Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto

What he said to me was that defense options like stand ground and patrol had been removed.

i don’t think i know what a sleeper is

edit ok i see


a what?

oh. you mean the person.


begging you to explicate the and/or here it makes the difference

if no fitted sheet, flat sheet between sleeper and mattress. if fitted sheet, flat sheet between sleeper and comforter. the purpose is to place easily-cleaned linens between the sleeper and harder-to-clean mattress and comforter. comforter is comparatively easier to clean than the mattress

edit: just for completeness, you can have two “flat” sheets, one of which is folded to conform to the mattress as a fitted sheet, but this is uncommon


Assume you are making up a bed for a guest to use. You have both a flat and fitted sheet available. You are imagining how they are intending to use the bed: what is the ideal construction?

the ideal construction has both for the above hygiene reasons. though, comforter optional at the guest’s election

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Yes, agreed. Alas, Twitter’s poll options were dramatically less nuanced than I would hope.

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are there weirdos out there sleeping in between the flat sheet and the comforter?


personally i prefer having the sleeper between the fitted sheet and flat sheet, as it allows me to put a layer of ricotta between the flat sheet and the comforter, which really helps accent the flavors of the rest of the lasagna. for drinks i usually crack open a few cold boys from the fridge, and presto i have a meal fit for the old ones (and it’s really easy to make in a pinch!)

wait what was the question again?


i’m going to bed honey peels back the fitted sheet crawls in and seals himself up


A sleeper, asleep on the sweat sponge (aka the mattress), rests beside the comforter (aka the one who comforts, as in, who cuddles with), and attention is not paid to anything like hygiene as both lie above a fitted sheet and beneath a single thing which is called the blanket (aka the blanky).


in situations where you gotta make your bed daily and want to mess it up as little as possible becuase you’re lazy yes

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Guests sleep on the floor


Last night i slept on top of the comforter with the flat sheet on top of me, so clearly there are no good answers here


If you have a duvet with a removable cover you can forego a flat sheet imho


those are still there! maybe on different hotkeys by default?

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I voted wrong in the poll I am sorry I meant to click whichever the most popular one is (but I didn’t know it was the most popular choice — i learned that after I misclicked!!)


comforter is like american for duvet, right?


Yeah more or less, although I do see the terms used interchangeably here so maybe there’s an actual distinction. I feel like duvets do tend to be heavier?

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Duvets here tend to be an inner batted/down quilted piece with a duvet cover that’s breathable/washable material. Comforters are typically all-in-one and washable.

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