Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto

Outside of just posting a restored PoP for Megadrive: what is the version of Prince of Persia to play on my mister?

For the record have not spent the time getting the dos core up and running.



PoP 2k8 is on steam for $2.00 right now and itā€™s worth at least ten.


Itā€™s good actually

Iā€™ve never played a yakuza game. which should I start with?


when you punch bad dudes, money flies out instead of blood


as god intended


Gonna go true sicko mode and say PS2 Yakuza 1, full English dub, fuck the haters, gimme Mark Hamill evil psycho Majima all day.

But no, really the answer at this point is zero.


PS2 Yakuza 1 would still be relatively high in my list of recommendationsā€¦ 0 is definitely first place, and 7 is probably second, but after that Iā€™d recommend some combination of PS2 1, Kiwami 2, and 6, with the PS3 games as a collective bottom tier (even as great as 5 is, itā€™s not an easy recommendation).


saw an undub of ps2 yakuza 1 out there recently


Yakuza 2 instead of Yakuza 1, imo. Y1 eng dub is a silly time but Y2 is better playing and the story, I thought, was pretty engaging.

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Yakuza 0 is the only game in the series I can recommend without multiple caveats


Iā€™ve only played 7 & 4 and I had a pretty good time with both. At this point, personally, I canā€™t imagine wanting to go back to a non-turn-based Yakuza game, though.


0, or 7 if you want to play a (really good) 60 hour jrpg

reminds me iā€™ve played all of these except 5 somehow


Best to Worst:

Kiwami 1
Of The End
Hokuto Ga Gokoku
Kiwami 2

I played 1 and 2 at release I am not gonna judge those.

But Toups play Zero. Honestly Zero>Kiwami>Six is a decent trilogy. Hitting send before I write a thousand wordsZ


4 was almost certainly the best and most accessible localization that they brought out in the decade between 1 and 0 but the engine and the writing got so much stronger after that, Iā€™m not as partial to it despite that distinction

6 is just great, great geography, great cast

the FotNS demo is really flat as much as I wanted to like it

Yes they are also making sure to remove the fucks and add honorifics to be true to the original nihongelese.

i love 4, but i cannot recommend it as a starting point anymore. 0 is 10000% the one.


Iā€™m of the opinion that 4 is completely skippable. The combat is a fucking chore, the enemies are always fucking blocking, 3 also had this issue but at least sometimes you get to hang with the kids or do some pro-wrestling. Thereā€™s just no fucking release valve in 4, the character switching meant I was regularly shoved into scenarios I just didnā€™t wanna do with characters I didnā€™t even like. When everyone comes together at the end itā€™s just weak, thereā€™s none of the catharsis youā€™ll find in the best of these games, thatā€™s the shit that keeps me going even when they become slogs but it ainā€™t there in 4, you just get like 5 bad multiphase boss fights instead of one. It also has the dumbest twist in any of these games, which is really, really saying something.

Adding rooftops and parking garages was a negative!!

It took me like 18 months to beat that game and I only managed cuz I started watching the cutscenes on YouTube at 8x speed. Even that was a waste. The game isnā€™t funny enough!! But I also missed the Deer Hunter side story, maybe that woulda helped.

5 is a massive improvement, right from the start thereā€™s all this shit that made me love 0, fighting mooks actually feels good and you get to neglect your children and drive a cab, 9.0/10.0