Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto

hard to recommend buying it for $90AUD when it’s $15 AUD on the eshop, & i think its dipped to like $6 in the periodic atlus sales


also free with softmodding :smiling_imp:


Cheers, I’ll take a look at the eShop in that case (I thought that service had already been discontinued)

Soul Hackers DS is the remaster of a PSX Jp-exclusive spinoff. It’s old! The gameplay is a little rough like every pre-Nocturne Megaten game, though the conversation system is the best in the series and the completely dated late 90s cyberpunk vision of the future is great. The plot feels very early Persona-ish for better and for worse


What are the best 3DS SMT? I also softmodded it :smiley: and I cannot choose among all the goodness!
I played Nocturne and SMT V, they are both great. Is it possible to follow those without feeling underwhelmed?

no, but definitely check out IV and soul hackers

soul hackers is worth it for the soundtrack alone honestly, a real 1998 time capsule. half expect tricky to start rapping about doing heroin in europe on a couple of tracks


Unless you got some weird need for physical stuff no reason to own a 3DS game now when you can softmod it.

I got a few hours into Soul Hackers and all the atmosphere could not save me from needing to grind and being killed by a negotiation gone bad or that the moon was in the wrong phase or trap floors. I know I am describing SMT games but I tried for a long time to say “I’m gonna enjoy those games.” I was wrong!

SMT4, Apocalypse, Strange Journey, Soul Hackers, Devil Survivor Overclocked all rule hard frankly

The 3DS is the Megaten Portable as far as I’m concerned


more reason to softmod your 3ds

oh and im going to throw in a persona q2 recommendation purely for aesthetic reasons. the cinephile’s jrpg.
(i’ve not played it)

forever bitter about the 3ds version replacing kaneko’s character portraits


(game is excellent from what i’ve played of it @Tony, but if you hate mazey 1st person dungeon crawlers it might just not be for you)

the less wizardry-ish early megaten i recommend to most people is the persona 2 duology but those aren’t on 3ds




I also really enjoyed the audio/visual atmosphere of Soul Hackers 3DS. It’s top notch!

For what it’s worth, I think the game is pretty breezy for a Megaten when played on the default difficulty (not to discount Rudie’s frustrations). But the dungeon crawling feels a bit mindless compared to Strange Journey and other more recent Atlus stuff in that gameplay style.


how is switch softmodding nowadays

I got a new internal hard drive. I want to take this drive and make it my new new c drive with as little fuss as possible and maintaining all my current files. Is this possible? And if so, how?

If your new drive is as big or bigger (in terms of storage space) than your old drive, then you can probably just clone your old drive to the new drive and use the new one in place of the old one. I did that when I switched from an HDD to an SSD. Then you can take the old drive and use it either as backup, or clear it out and use it as additional storage.

I don’t remember what software I used to clone a drive, but it may have been Macrium Reflect… That one’s free and this guide recommends it. Maybe someone else on here can weigh in.

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Smart and not much fuss thing is to put gparted on a live USB with Rufus, clone your existing disk, resize partitions as needed, then swap them

Somewhat flakier solution is to use Macrium Reflect under Windows which is about as good as it gets at cloning a running boot volume which you still arguably shouldn’t do


Lol I’m pretty sure I did exactly this. It worked. There are a few weird little bugs in Windows I’ve noticed since then, but nothing serious. That also could have been a consequence of any number of other things though, cuz I put the cloned drive in a completely new computer (including a new motherboard).

yeah, I’ve done it too, but it should be stressed that for 30 years this has gone against accepted wisdom for good reason, that booting from a separate volume in order to clone a disk is not as hard as it seems and is much safer, and that macrium reflect is exceptionally good free software by windows standards in order to make that viable

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