Quick Questions XIV: A Question Reasked (Part 1)

would like to register a meek complaint re: the idea of learning an NLVE on a platform without nvidia acceleration available

videotoolbox encode APIs are so bad that they have successfully perpetuated the idea that you need to encode on the CPU only or buy apple’s fixed function prores card

oh lol right I forget about my GPU

DaVinci should benefit from Turing, yeah?

hfil yeah

(being cross-platform and preferring to lean on my windows box for the heavy stuff is a large part of why I seriously favour premiere if you have it and davinci if not)

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Debating jumping into Sunless Skies since the Sovereign patch is taking forever. For those who have played it and thought a bit about it, do you think there’s a stronger sense of Adventuring Into Uncharted Terrain than there was in Sea? The Underzee was colonized, but I get the impression there is some wildness and romantic exploration stuff propping up Sunless Skies. Is that kind of true?

why does achieving peak enlightenment in japanese weird auteur games result in taking on this form:


I think you answered your own question there





cw: lots of bright flashes


It’s hard for me to answer because I never got to the third or fourth areas, but the first area is “London’s wilderness colonies” and the second area is “New London herself and her outlying worlds”. I do think the two areas I never reached are supposed to be dramatically more alien—the powers at work there have inhuman priorities, but I can’t say for sure how much that will translate to the sense of undiscovered territory. Seems more “hostile” or “horrific” in tone.

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That sounds cool, and scary! Thanks for the reply.

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Is there any music from the 80’s that actually sounds like 201X and 202X Synthwave music? I’ve never ever heard it but I’m wondering if I’m missing something.

john carpenter, vangelis, maybe moroder’s soundtrack work? i feel like that genre is way more influenced by film than pop music of that era


yeah 100%. i think that’s why the visual aesthetics are such an inextricable part of that genre.


It’s very definitely soundtrack work. To physical’s list, I would add Wendy Carlos’s soundtrack work. Her stuff has a more classical bent to it, but it definitely influences the sound.

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ahh there it is, yeah I thought I’d heard it somewhere but I wasn’t placing it. thanks y’all

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Could probably add Tangerine Dream to the list too. They did film soundtracks and their own standalone albums.


what’s that weird jp-only hybrid 3d rail shooter/maze game for psx from the late 90s that some people (i think including @rudie and @loki?) were talking about on here a while ago, how it was really easy to get lost in…

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whoa i’ve never seen or heard of this game before

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