Quick Questions XIV: A Question Reasked (Part 1)

Dragon’s dogma is a lot weirder than it appears!

What sets it apart IMO is a very pleasant tactile feel that complements the exploration of its hand-crafted, no level scaling, medium-sized game world perfectly.

Running, jumping, walking on rooftops, exploring at night with a torch all feel REALLY good. When I first played the game I just stayed in the generic seaside fisherman starting village for like 2 hours, exploring every nook and cranny, because movement was that good.

You can get the « wet » status effect after falling into water and the soggy clothes tech is perfect. I absolutely love the palpable desperation on the avatar when running at full speed with fully drenched clothes

You can grab small enemies and allies and toss them off cliffs, it feels incredible. Taking 10 seconds to charge a gigantic maelstrom is also great.

Otherwise, the game complements a lot of different playstyles and switching classes is easy and recommended, I enjoyed the variety a lot

Outward looks really cool though so I didn’t vote


that post captures dragons dogma better than i can. but the one thing i’ll add is that moving around the world map in dragon’s dogma just feels incredible. captures a feeling of real distance covered, and it’s all wonderfully designed with shortcuts that actually matter (as in you have to weigh up the distance it covers vs the risks involved).

im excited to check out outward, which definitely looks like it captures a lot of a similar vibe, but dragons dogma is fantastic.


this is honestly the only thing i care about in games anymore, i’m so excited! havent had time to start yet tho maybe later today

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lovecraft country?

Whats the budget entry headset for VR these days? My Lenovo Explorer go stolen years ago and it seems to be dead now.

How do you feel about Facebook?

how do you feel about hitman 3 vr is playstation exclusive so the rest of them can go in the trash as far as i’m concerned

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I know this group of guys who each have a top 700 games list, and at first I thought it was a bit—like every time some weird ass game came up they’d mention it’s #522 or whatever—but after a couple months I realized they were serious.

As of a couple days back I’ve now seen some screenshots


“Jedi Knight? Yeah I know that one, it’s good! It’s no Circus Charlie, but it’s good.”


So are they going to make a new switch?

yeah, I think a 4-year upgrade cycle probably makes sense for an ARM console, though I think they’ll probably do it like the Xbox Series X where everything is backwards compatible for at least the half-generation

You know I was expecting a lot worse honestly, but then again I guarantee these 20 games are better than whatever their actual top 20 is

I’d settle for joysticks that won’t shit the bed two weeks after I buy one, nevermind better chips


From what I remember the top couple are pretty solid. I do know DQ1 is #1

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if you could tell from the non-answer there unfortunately still isn’t a cheap PC option that’s comparable to the explorer when it launched, but PSVR is definitely better than getting oculus

I can’t believe caverns of freitag is so highly rated, its only interesting as a historical footnote of “where did the action rpg come from”

I’ll gladly play it over Minecraft though.

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Trying to decide which name is worse, Caverns of Freitag or Minecraft.

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Everyone who watches the industry thinks something’s not too far away

Most notable bit of new info there for me is that Nintendo’s been reaching out to people asking them to make their games 4K-ready.


how much trouble is it getting PSVR to work on PC?