Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

back in like 2011 you could get "NESoid and “N64oid” and “SNESoid” and they were all made by the same guy and had perfect Android 2.x menu UIs and ran on a Snapdragon S2

I imagine now you should probably just install Retroarch

I used a GBA emulator to exclusively play pokemon hacks.

Just install Retroarch

Iirc it has a proper material ui now

How’s Arx Fatalis? steam’s recommending it to me because i’ve been on a crpg kick lately, and it’s like 5 bucks and kinda seems like my jam, but i want to blast it at my Sounding Board first

If it helps i’ve never played a Dishonored (though i ought to) or Ultima Underworld (though i ought to)

Arx Fatalis is great. You can cook food by dropping it next to a fire and waiting 30 seconds. The soundtrack is made up of thousands of discrete 3 second drone loops that are geographically arranged throughout the levels so you are basically hearing a unique soundtrack from anyone else who has played the game.


Retroarch is a complete nightmare on phones that if you accidentally change a random setting in their terrible touch menus you might need to just reinstall the whole app unless you have a rooted phone and can edit the cfg files manually.
When you finally get everything set up though it works alright and you pray you never have to adjust anything else ever again.

Don’t have too high hopes about DS emulation on phones. The speed hack that makes the Retroarch DS emulator work right on PCs doesn’t work on ARM processors so very few games run fullspeed. The only good option it seems is a closed source one called DraStic that costs a few bucks (with some heavy DRM) and barely seems to be updated anymore.

PSP games though run great.


I’m really in the mood to play a chill, ambient, first-person adventure game, with emphasis on exploration. Preferably for cheap or free. I’m struggling to just not reinstall Morrowind again, because I’d rather sink my teeth into something less combat-heavy (combat is still OK though)


First thing that comes to mind reading your post is Myst? It seems likely that you’ve thought of that already though so then maybe Amerzone? Or see if someone has preserved the surprisingly good Lego Bionicles Flash adventure game.

Heard good things about The Void too


Small, pretty and free, it’s Mediterranean Voidland:


took me 15 minutes to see everything and the first time i clicked on a faucet it blew my ears off. and i keep my volume at a consistent 10%

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Tulpa is right Arx Fatalis rules. Right at the end of the simulationist wave, it’s like proto Deus Ex meets Ultima. Shares with Morrowind a contempt for generic Tolkienesque fantasy. The most important nonhuman race is librarian snakeladies


is there like a game engine for STGs anyone knows about? Theres one on steam which looks ok maybe but its 40 bux, and also someone linked an ancient looking japanese one in the STG thread ages ago that I feel would be more complicated than working in gamemaker or unity. I think @The_Blueberry_Hill mentioned one to me once???

i have to admit i almost just asked you about this directly Tulpa because when i did a forum search like half the dozen mentions of “Arx Fatalis” were from you. No shade. And

these are basically the 2 best reasons i should play it or anything, good choices

OK yeah, thank you, i’m going to play this game. Fuckin, duh

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on the topic of retroarch it looks like the next desktop release will have another ui option, some qt thing (from https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-7-2-released/)

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http://blog.livedoor.jp/stgbuilder/archives/8169650.html it was this

wow it has a youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/StgBuilder/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0

oh, i assumed you meant shooter maker 95


if you’re not looking for a full-on engine and just need some sort of bullet pattern assistance, Pixelnest did a version of BulletML for unity: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/bulletml-for-unity-16206

documentation of the actual unity package kind of sucks but I like BulletML

and this is just a wrapper for Unity, BulletML is available on its own for free

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Do you know what day it is tomorrow?