Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return


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Looks like something from Men In Black movies.

This auto-plays audio and keeps scaring my gf


Is Monster Hunter World still a great game if I wanted to play it without any multiplayer?

And is there a way to play Iceborne without finishing the first campaign before?

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Yes, though the multiplayer is really seemless and easy and the people I randomly played with were surprisingly alright on the ps4 version. No idea about Iceborne, but I think it takes place after the main campaign, so maybe not?


Jumping into the Iceborne content cold pits you against some pretty agile monsters from the get-go, and even notwithstanding the many QOL enhancements to the base experience you are likely to get savaged (not to mention frustrated).

However playing solo is totally viable given that you are always accompanied by a helper in the field who levels-up and can be equipped with useful abilities that suit your playstyle; although really they function as a punching bag for those moments when the game allows you to check your positioning or heal safely, which is obviously the difference between winning and outright losing.

You can even disable the helper for the original Monster Hunter Fuck You experience of yesteryear!

Also (as per Booj) multiplayer is seamless and most other players seem to know what they’re doing, and in the several hundred hours of playtime thus far I’ve not encountered a single malicious exchange or sense of bad sportsmanship throughout my time with it.

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Tell me about the best Zelda style overworlds and what you think made them great. I’m talking Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, but also Batman Arkham, GTA. Essentially any openworld game that gates off parts is fair game. Thanks, you rule.

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I like Cave Story in this context: at first it feels like it’s presenting sequential stages with a hub, but that formula gradually breaks down as play continues and you revisit areas and the stages change over time. I also like that there’s a little bit of gating dependent on your abilities, but for the most part you aren’t really encountering “obstacles” so it never descends into true lockmaze/keyring design. I guess it doesn’t really have an overworld, as such.

Answering “Knytt Stories” is probably cheating, and it runs into the same problem of not having an overworld.

Let’s consider Link’s Awakening, then. It’s some of the most regimented keyringing available, but the structure is very deliberate: each dungeon alternates with some miscellaneous task. First you get the key from the mysterious forest, and then that permits you to access the Tail Cave dungeon. Then you rescue the pet chain chomp, and then you’re into the Bottle Grotto. The game develops a rhythm that paces your exploration.


Elemental gimmick gear has a great structure. Its heavily gated but non linear. It has a few dungeons on the peripheries but the main dungeon is a non linear massive metroidy iceberg that you revisit throughout the game but usually through a new entrance and route so it is like 8 dungeons overlapping each other. The overworld is pretty closely tied to the dungeon structure by the way it connects with itself in novel ways. It packs a lot of possible routes into a small area

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I have an occasion to pick up the 3ds again but I’m kind of stuck where I am in Link Between Worlds and I’m too far along in 3D Land and it’s really hard at this point and I’m so rusty that it’s frustrating

Can someone recommend a couple 3ds games worth checking out?

soul hackers is rad if you want an rpg.


3D Super Hang-on

Can we get rid of that autoembed? I mean, I will just flag that post if I have to to keep it from autoloading every time I open this thread.


i fixed it

i might have to add that site to a blacklist to keep it from embedding if they seriously don’t believe in autoplay=false


Is there actually an app for this because I can probably find an iPad somewhere

Gotta Protectors is GOAT

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there are, for bluetooth/wifi at least, but I don’t know which if any are good or if any of the currently available ones support USB.

People that know stuff what exactly is going on?

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That is such a great detail to model for a shop, but also hilarious that it doesn’t reflect Ryo.

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I assume it is a static image of the shop that kind of scrolls around with a distortion effect based on the camera position. Ryo’s not reflected because it’s basically just a JPG so they can’t determine where he would be in the scene or show his movement.

I’ve been out of the 3D modelling loop for a long time though, so could be wrong