That seems accurate.
It’s weird given Shenmue 1’s super accurate mirrors (in the barbershop at least) but it makes sense.
That seems accurate.
It’s weird given Shenmue 1’s super accurate mirrors (in the barbershop at least) but it makes sense.
Accurate mirrors in these games tend to be a reversed-copy of the models, and if you want a character reflection, there’s a duplicate character down there.
So Metal Gear Solid 2 really honestly has a shadow dimension underneath everyone’s feet in the tanker.
I love the Panzer Dragoon style where they emulate water-distorted reflections by building messed-up billboarded decoys that just sit underneath the above-water pillars
Yeah, that looks like a cube map to me (a 6-sided texture made from a snapshot of the room that can be blended to produce reflections).
The distortion around the sides looks like they warped the texture coordinates on the surface to mimic a warped mirror, which is super-clever (the same problem you see in sloppy or older modeling with stretched textures along angled surfaces, like a stair texture that looks fine from above but is thin stretched lines on the vertical surfaces).
Has Chris Ware been cancelled? I feel like there’s been some backlash lately? I just feel the internet subconsciously coercing me not to read his new book.
so i’ve been considering a ssd for my notebook. i’ts an old one and i definetly can see myself getting a new one (or even a proper desktop) in a couple years. are there good drives i coould get that are both not high-end stuff but also will remain serviceable for a good time from now?
my interests are mostly to make my OS run better and using adobe software without hickups (this is important, since it’s work). i’ve never had problems w loading times in games (except for like, victoria 2 which is kind of egregious), but then again i mostly play emulated stuff or low-to-mid-end games, in terms of graphics
This seems pretty comprehensive
Ohh this was originally a Saturn game, things make a lot more sense now
Should I be approaching this pokemon style or should I just focus on conserving resources?
it’s a megami tensei game, so both. demons are more important than the hero. that is to say, you should focus on getting stronger demons and then focus on equipping the hero. that’s how i do it, anyway. outside of weapons.
I recently got a roku TV that serves ads on its home screen. I can’t countenance my TV’s OS showing me ads, so I’m thinking about setting up one of those things where ads are blocked across my entire network so they never make it to the TV. No idea how that works though, any advice?
has been a while since i played soul hackers but if you pump mag with nemissa you’ll barely need demons
get a ras pi (or p much anything else that’ll run linux) and
I do have a pi 3 that’s running retropie. Can I do both this and that on the same device? Would pi-hole slow down my network?
also, make sure you choose “sexy” when asked, it gives your partner the best selection of spells.
Too late for that
I didn’t want to be a creeper
yeah, i wouldn’t have selected “Sexy”, either, had I not already know what it affected.
since we’re getting there, can i call the next thread this since everybody is into ffxiv right now.
likewise I always try to skew any tarot readings I receive in my life to whatever will get me the most archers and clerics in my starting party when I eventually become a military captain
Megaten demons were always super weak damage sponges up until Nocturne rebalanced things in their favor
Another thing Nocturne did right