Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

Haven’t played it, but One-Eyed Kutkh might fit the bill.


Trying to remove some stickers from an old laptop and hopefully salvage the stickers for reuse – any of y’all got any go to methods for that?

Sunless Skies?


if i finished the destiny 2 base game a year or two ago and i don’t have any expansions is there anything i can do with it now? it’s taking up 80GB on my drive and that’s a lot of download time but it’s also a lot of space y’know

If you can wait another month and a half, your install will become Destiny 2: New Light, the new F2P entry point to the game, and you will be granted access to the first year’s worth of expansions (meh) and Forsaken’s non-campaign non-seasonal content (so like… Gambit and some strikes?). Your character and all your gear will also be boosted up to 750 power in the process.

So judge if that sounds appealing to you and then either keep it or uninstall it.

mmm alright. thanks!

i don’t have any tips, like, it depends on the kind of sticker if its salvageable, but if i peel it off and its still sticky i stick it somewhere else haha

just have lots of googone handy

Jesuschrist look at that overall status bar compared to the step beneath it. Is the car pack going to be like 100 GB?

why does the damn switch’s “automatic” video output default to the limited rather than the full rgb colour space

fucking Nintendo always pulls this nonsense, they cut corners which are so cheap as to be irrational

I spent like ten minutes wondering why the black levels were all wrong!

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anything set to automatic just pulls what the the display tells it to

my Switch happily sets itself to full and surround sound when plugged into a receiver or my HDMI to SDI adapter and stereo directly into my monitor

gonna say it’s on your device seeing as they bothered doing CEC as well


love the implication that CEC works anything close to reliably

What kind of screen are you using that it has an SDI input?

wow, holy crap, you’re right! i just switched (he he he) the settings on my own Switch/TV and yeah, black levels are a lot better now.

CEC always worked fine for me, though I do realize, at least with the Switch, tham I’m one of the lucky ones

it made me rather incredulous that the Switch had it the functionality but the Xbone didn’t

this is for a capture card, an AJA Kona LHi. which has micro HDMI in/out ports in it.

micro HDMI is a fragile interface.

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Ok! That makes sense!

So Sega Ages Puyo Puyo is out in the west now, but since the sequel is also on the list I am wondering if there is any reason to get this one. Does Puyo2 basically supersede the first one, or do they both have their own unique aspects that make them both worthy in their own right?

i’ve also never had any issues with cec

in fairness I’m hooking up with a Macbook dongle to a projector so I would expect some things to not work

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I will praise nintendo, however: there are a lot of switch demos that are really abnormally generous, like arms / inversus / puyo tetris / cadence of hyrule are all pretty much all I wanted of those respective titles

given how stingy nintendo has historically been about software, and given that even the Wii U limited the number of times you were allowed to launch any given demo, god forbid you played it too much without forking over for the full game, this is a pretty marked improvement

Does anybody know how to get that microphone that comes with PS4s to work on a PC? It doesn’t seem to be recognized when I plug it into the mic port of my PC. It’s pissing me off.