In this case it’s a less sympathetic target, but I tended to interpret this Youtube brigading incident as being the last straw that made Notch sell off Minecraft and withdraw into his mansion to do bad tweets from a golden toilet:
the reason I think that robert yang article is important is because it outlines how yes, a lot of it was just “”"“gamer”""" brigading but the speed at which the major games publications latched onto the idea of a dude from vietnam making an OBVIOUSLY derivative game OBVIOUSLY for the purposes of just making tons of money from ads was pretty shameful
like the difference between notch and dong nguyen is that kotaku et. al did an actual “investigation” into the spritework on flappy bird with the intent of proving plagarism
I think the publications have gotten better since then but still
Oh shit. I’ve been thinking a lot about Flappy Bird lately. I didn’t realize it was pewdiepie that headed that up. That explains why everyone I met had the exact same five words to say about the game. I don’t think I found out who pewdiepie was for like a couple years after.
Hmm, doing a few searches to support my narrative, PewDiePie was a major second-wave amplifier rather than the leader per se. According to this timeline, by January 10 2014 Flappy Bird was a top ten app on the app store due to organic growth of some kind (either store promotion virtuous cycle, or some other community discussion that’s hard to track down). PewDiePie’s video came out on January 27. It has 36 million views, so it was still probably a necessary factor in making the attention level so overwhelming that the creator withdrew the game.
i never got over that all the indie devs were like FLAPPY GAME JAM right around when they were incredibly mad about ridiculous fishing getting ripped off
yeah certainly the infuriating tendency for people to only credit whoever the localized popularizer of a trend is no matter how long it took to reach their sphere (and, even in an era of infinite access, no matter how technically accessible it was to them previously) isn’t a strictly racist phenomenon, though it’s definitely exacerbated by structural inequalities like racism, which is especially infuriating because we want it to broaden understanding and it somehow does the opposite as often as not.
Why are we talking about ALttP? It’s a stopgap between TLoZ and OoT. And if we’re talking about the miniscule space of refinement between two revolutions… Link’s Awakening does everything ALttP does and does it better.
Hadean Lands isn’t a space sim but it is on a space ship that operates according to alchemical principles, in a space cosmology that is mythological in nature.