Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

rsync is the answer but if you really don’t want to hit the CLI:
TeraCopy, FreeFileSync


are y’all using rsync in wsl on windows

yeah, it’s in the category of linux apps whose native windows builds I find too jank

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okay I looked up some footage of this and sure it pretty much rips off many things from botw wholesale but it also has:

floating islands
boss battles
multiple playable characters

so idk maybe it’s actually better than botw?


Oh, I’ve heard of it. But Nintendo has paid me an undisclosed but hearty sum of money to not bring it up and to try to shut conversation about it down.


I’d not heard of it but it looks really nice also more games should steal from Breath of the Wild! Nintendo already got their money; they’re not some starving indie developer.

If someone makes BotW with caves and underground exploration I’ll buy that shit I don’t care who makes it.


when I discovered the one sort of cave like structure in botw I lost my shit

that’s what was missing from it

and the caves need to be an integrated part of the overworld, no loading screens and it all connects with the overworld at different parts


For real though, I think people should absolutely be liberally stealing from BotW. However, the grass and the sky and the color palette in some of I watched crept into the uncanny for me. A little too on the nose, and that repels me a little. Just a little. I’m interested.

It’s just… that amount of direct aping is usually reserved to indie “love letters” to “retro” games like seven years later or whatever.

i think breath of the wild would be better if it was on a console i own, at least

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I think it’s boundary-guarding; everyone is used to mobile developers directly copying successful art styles and the way that destroys any unique visual look for years at a time. We only escaped Zynga’s hideous monstrosities because Supercell’s polished square teeth became the new template. It’s crushing to culture and an order of magnitude worse than the restricted art palette of traditional console games.

A Chinese publisher is making a play at bringing that model into the console market and now we’re not talking about what we’re talking about but everyone is reacting to fears that the console market will look like mobile games, that some unnamed power of Chinese companies and unfettered markets will lead them to steamroll over the ecosystem that currently exists, and people freak out, unable to understand the budget table stakes that create the system that makes this different on consoles and will continue to do so.




I mean shit no

god help

regarding genshin impact it’s just kind of hilarious in spots?

and for their previous game

I kind of had the impression that the guy who smashed his PS4 over this was Chinese and did so in protest of Sony promoting the game at a convention since it only further promotes the idea that the Chinese video game industry can only steal ideas. Read similar frustrations back when that Team Fortress 2 clone got noticed by western gaming press.


i could be misreading this, but i think at least some of the anger in that situation also comes from the fact that chinese game developers are sort of stereotyped as being really derivative and unoriginal already. also, it’s not as easy for foreign games to get official releases in china as it is in other countries. so even though destroying your own property in protest is an incredibly childish thing,* i think part of the frustration is like, this is the type of crap we are subjected to when people in other places get actual original games?

*i also think the people destroying their ps4s are like way too on the nose examples of the sort of self destructive conspicuous consumption stereotype of china’s nouveau riche, more money than sense…


I mean hey if all the assets of AAA games are made by chinese studios already, might as well make their own games from the assets they made for other companies.


yeah, it’s hard to for me to articulate this, but i think like ymer said above it’s not just that the game is derivative, but that the game feeds into and justifies the western stereotype that the chinese game industry is derivative

like the ‘this is why we can’t have nice things’ of the chinese gaming world


Space Black Knight for the 21st century.

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don’t ever forget what happened to flappy bird

for real


The Flappy Bird situation played out the way it did in large part because the guy who turned it into a phenomenon was PewDiePie. Youtube seems to create even more severe brigading behavior than the other social networks and needless to say PewDiePie is not a shining example within Youtube.