Should I bother to play The Caligula Effect?
I’ve been too busy to put a ton of time into it (only a couple of hours in) but it’s a game out of time and plays accordingly; it feels like a b-game from the ps3 era. At least so far it doesn’t have a shine that should compel you to seek the game out in particular but I don’t find it the monumental travesty worthy of all the fuss it’s gotten. I don’t hate it though.
it just looks kind of weirdly charming enough to be worth investigating? idk. I imagine the price will drop fairly soon so I’ll check it out then
If you feel that way about it already then yeah, I’d say give it a shot. But it should shoot down in price pretty fast so wait for a steep discount.
Also everyone keeps talking about killing tanks with a steel pipe but that has never worked for me! Just touching a tank sends me flying backwards!
I’m not sure if it is this exact article but it’d be worth browsing the whole blog tbh
Zoe’s book (Crash Override) is pretty good and would serve as a primary source, she also had a background trawling these places.
thank u everyone. i wonder if theres any ex-believers of this shit i could interview. im sure one is in the dsa by now. i dont want to read kill all normies
18 posts were split to a new topic: a wolf in shemp’s clothing
Any thoughts on Elite: Dangerous on PS4? Been eyeing it for a while now.
I know both Doom and Wolf3D let you make the play area smaller, in realtime even with the + and - keys, and a smaller box would increase performance at the expense of what I guess you’d call “noise” (I always thought of it as chunkier pixels because lower resolution).
it plays impressively well on a ps4 controller
Yes, the quality settings in solutions like Metro most directly affect the number of rays. One of the main reasons Nvidia’s new cards enable raytracing is the cores dedicated to image processing (think the neural net upscaling we’re seeing) being used to clean up dirty ray images.
E:D is really cool but be prepared for a very steep controls-learning curve
How does it compare to something like TIE Fighter? That’s my current frame of reference.
Tie fighter and wing commander are on the arcadey end of space flight sims and elite is more on the simmy end
You also have to be self-directed; combat scenarios occur systemically, missions are just loose frameworks to get you to move between procedurally generated spaces. It’s the same subgenre as No Man’s Sky, which is an arcadey space sim.
I basically wanna be a space trucker. Can I be a space trucker?
that is almost all you can be, really.
Oh most certainly. It’s on the dry end of the shipping/merchant thread in these sorts of games. You’ll enjoy it if the honesty of scale of space and detail in ship bits keeps you occupied.
No, the dry end is Objects in Space