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If you have FFXV Royal Edition you can play it in first person.


you ever wonder if Woolsey translated Meltdown in Final Fantasy VI as “Merton” to split the difference between the theologian and the lallation


Woolsey was a next-level translator, I read a lot of prestigious literary translation and honestly I’m not sure anybody there does it better.

Woolsey had a strange combination of extreme technical constraints and total creative freedom which made his craft truly unique and impossible to match again


You ever wonder what it would be like to have your legacy be some spreadsheets you dashed off in 2 months as a remote worker for a videogame company


Woolsey wasn’t remote! The whole reason he quit after the SNES era was because he didn’t want to move to LA!

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You should kickstart a Woolsey biopic, I’d fund it

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I want to play a recent game that is way outside of my taste bubble. Maybe a romhack or an untranslated dōjin game, or an IF game. Anyone got any recent (last 6 months) leftfield recs they care to share?

The one game I want to shove into as many hands as possible is ZeroRanger a recently released shooter I would call one of the best shooters I have played.

There have been a few physical famicom releases very recently.


Thanks, that looks pretty cool


Have you played Hadean Lands yet?

Absolutely one of the best puzzle centric IF games I have played. The way it connects puzzle-solving and world-building and exploration can only make me think of Riven.


they’re both quite “you” I’d imagine but I had a great deal of fun with both planetoid pioneers and wreckfest this year and both could do with a bigger audience

haven’t heard of wreckfest, will check it out. ZeroRanger is great (and hard)!


I wonder if any Bemani/Pentavision music artists personally show off their work to new people they meet by having them play the game (as opposed to having them listen to the track by itself)

(I guess they could just perform it for them too)

This is probably a really broad question but anyone got any router tips for these days? The situation is that my mom’s old one broke so I’m giving her mine and buying myself a new one.

Live alone in a smallish apartment so I don’t really need a massive WiFi range for it. Other then that I just have no idea what to look for in one. Is Mu-mimo even going to make a difference if I’ll be using like 2 devices at the same time (3 in rare cases)? An USB port to have an old HDD plugged into would maybe be nice as well.

EDIT: A quick forum search and, @Felix, is Archer C7 still the right choice?

the C7 is 100% fine, it’s well supported by open source firmware if you want to go that route and fine otherwise too – it can be a little difficult to get a Gigabit connection without line of sight in an apartment building but that’s not unusual – but it’s been on the market for a long time without getting much cheaper, so if you can’t get a deal I’d be tempted to look at one of the well-liked but reasonably affordable mesh things. but it’s definitely fine.

Need to buy one by tomorrow so not much chance of getting cheaper deals. Might need to keep looking then. Any particular other brands considered more reliable?

None of these mesh wifi kits available really look affordable to me.

Trying to narrow it down. Last ideas?

The Nighthawk R7k gets you automatic bandswitching (2.4 to 5 and back) which is very useful if you live in a dense 2.4ghz environment like an apartment building. Some IoT devices don’t play nice with it, but I’ve never used a phone or computer that had trouble.

Not sure this is worth 519 more than the C7.

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Yeah, if not the C7 then I think it’s between the ASUS 68U and Nighthawk from looking over reviews. Biggest negatives with them from people these days seem to be that they are both rather old models by now and at least Netgear aren’t the best with longterm support. Always a hassle for me to decide if spending a bit extra will actually matter even though I’ll probably be using it for hopefully several years ahead.