Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

pretty sure i’m asking for it with this, but are food and/or drinks threads generally frowned upon here?

yes, we take all nourishment rectally, from a synthesized paste

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We hate it the whole time though, because enjoying things is for suckers

But we enjoy hating it

I only eat that dish that one Japanese restaurant serves where they make it look like a big block of cartoon meat on a big cartoon bone, and it’s full of cheese so when you bite into it, it looks like you’re pulling on the meat like a cartoon character. That’s the only thing I eat


that dish that one Japanese restaurant serves where they make it look like a big block of cartoon meet on a big cartoon bone, and it’s full of cheese so when you bite into it, it looks like you’re pulling on the meat like a cartoon character

i unironically can’t tell whether you’re taking the piss with this

Pictured above: me, every day


sounds absolutely vile i said as if i had room to talk

Food and drink threads rule but watch out for BigHeadMode.

Food and drink threads? Oh, you mean pizza threads! We love pizza threads.

It’s the water, you know, makes the dough taste different


god no the water doesn’t matter at all, its not putting like 2 cups of sugar into the flour, thats what makes pizza dough taste good.

all the pizza dough outside the east coast is way too sweet

You want to talk about sweet pizza? One time when I was a kid my family went on a summer vacation to my grandpa’s Portuguese bakery. We all teamed up to make a big pizza in his awesome industrial kitchen, but somehow we fucked up and used powdered sugar instead of flour.

Everyone is still talking about it.


My mother did this once. Except it was macaroni and cheese.

And yes my family is still talking about it. It was so fucked up.


i hope when the new dune movie comes out it’s just a 2.5 hour argument about which city in Connecticut has the best pizza


I just remembered, it was actually a problem of confusing salt and sugar! This explains how we were able to successfully create a perfect visual facsimile of a pizza and not realize until the first bite that we’d ruined our family for generations.

That makes a lot more sense


Yeah, I spent the last half hour just sitting here trying to figure out why my foundational summer family memory made no logical sense. Pleased I was able to resolve that one and not suddenly realize I’m a replicant.


Speaking of weird pizza, my favorite kind involves the use of both cheddar and swisss

Luna > Pepe’s, don’t @ me

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Hi Felix.

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a year or so ago my little brother and my wife and I went out to eat some Indian food

afterwards, driving around the neighborhood, now it is getting late: I wanted a chai

we stopped at this other place that’s mostly a restaurant, veg. only dosas and whatever my wife didn’t like it the two times we had visited previously, because it was still open

I go in alone while they wait in the car and order one at the counter and they ask if I want a “big one” or a “small one” and I say “small one” and then costs like a dollar and I give them five dollars because I want to be liked and then it comes out and it is tiny like in a dixie cup with a little baby coffee lid and it is so hot it is undrinkably hot

on the way out I stop and pour some sugar from one of the tables into the chai yum dessert tea

it takes most of the drive back to our neighborhood for it to cool down enough to drink it is all salty I poured a bunch of salt into the chai they had straight up a liter of salt on every table in these

five dollars