Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

did you ever play Cold Fear

I have not! This seems very interesting, especially because I’ve never heard of it!

always remember what ive done to improve your life


Are Wit’s and Vball the only four player famicom games outside of the Kunio-Kun series?

[quote=“thegodofpoverty, post:244, topic:302, full:true”]
I had success getting a translation from here before, so I’m going for it again! These are 4 separate CPU logic categories from two Fire Pro Wrestling games. I’d like a rough translation of the categories pictured in the images. I think they were flipped in order in the second game so I’m trying match the categories up.[/quote]
idk Japanese so I just jumbled together some free web OCR results and such.
disappointed these don’t seem to be listed online anywhere?

判断力 (Judgment)
確実性 (Certainty)
好戦性 (Belligerence)
身勝手度 (Degree of self-indulgence/self-centeredness/selfishness)

冷静さ (Coolness/calm)
判断力 (Judgement)
好戦度 (Militancy/belligerence)
堅実さ (Solidity/steadiness)

Obviously those are just vague definitions based on online dictionaries and aren’t very informative. I assume these terms are meant to be used in conjunction with a manual. If you tell me which specific Fire Pro games these are, I can try looking up more precise details, but I have to admit I’m not confident on finding anything useful. Maybe ask at a fan forum or something.


Super Off Road, IIRC.

The Evil Within does scratch that itch for me. The fun of the game stems from the necessity of getting out of every situation with the minimum amount of ammo spent. I know this is supposed to be a tenet of survival horror, but there are certain Zelda-like dungeons built in the game that are built around that idea.

Didn’t Smash TV NES use 4 controllers?

Do encounters involve as much crowd control as they did in RE4? The early parts were my favorites

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Nightmare On Elm Street supports 4 players,

There is crowd control but there’s more tools at your disposal to fight them. Several areas in the game are basically arenas full of environmental hazards with various ways to cheese your enemies. What’s impressive is that these areas encourage improvisation while being lenient enough to beat the first time you attempt them, whereas RE4 relied more on your spacial awareness/luck/ammo capacity.

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What PS3 PSN games should I check out? The Last Guy, Noby Noby Boy… and…???

Pixeljunk Shooter?


Wipeout HD/Fury


Tokyo jungle


Wipeout HD & fury are good stuff. I loved me some Pixeljunk Eden, others did not, there should still be a demo. I liked Flower better than Journey, but I am weird. I liked Unfinished Swan better than Journey, but I am weird. I’d say Tokyo Jungle is worth a spin. The PS3 version of Resogun isn’t nearly as pretty as the PS4 version (think it might be a Vita port) but I still had fun with it.

Olli Olli also has a PC version but started on PSN and I liked it a ton as a 2d platformer take on Skate.

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Yo what’s up! (this has not been updated in a while probably)


Looking at that list. Did I ever buy Super Rub A Dub? I hope so! That was a cool demo I just couldn’t justify the price of. I should buy it now. It has to be cheap. It sure was neat in 2009.

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Shatter if you haven’t got it on PC

are there any good racing games on the ps4

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Grand thedt auto v