Driveclub is not terrible and you should be able to find a disc copy for like, 20 bucks
If you want anything wackier or arcadier, I recommend not buying any current system
Driveclub is not terrible and you should be able to find a disc copy for like, 20 bucks
If you want anything wackier or arcadier, I recommend not buying any current system
Are the online communities for splatoon and mario maker still active at all? I’ve been thinking about picking up a wii u, which might seem like somewhat strange timing, but I figure it might be my last chance to properly experience some of the console’s games before nintendo gives up on them. And now that star fox is out I feel like there’s enough software to justify buying the console. But yeah, am I bit too late to the party?
I’m pretty sure those games are still well active. Mario Maker is still getting updates and Game Grumps episodes, in particular.
Want mine?
I’d definitely consider it, but you’re in Canada right? I’m in Australia, so the postage costs would probably be too outrageous to justify…
(also thanks @CourierRice!)
Oh, well, if you’re an Aussie, Splatoon will be crazy active because the game is the best selling console game in Japan in a good long while and you also won’t have the issue where a chunk of the playerbase is halfway around the world from you and all the fun bits that entails
Yeah good point. Although if it’s anything like SFV that just means I’ll be routinely destroyed by super skilled Japanese players D:
It’s okay, you’ll be put on teams with super skilled Japanese players (and it’s not like SFV)
They recently patched the ranked mode to make the matchmaking a bit more stringent in terms of the skill levels it puts in a game, which will mostly be relevant as you’re on the cusp of hitting a new rank and will probably have the largest effect in the high A-ranks since you won’t get anyone S-ranked
Or you can just play the regular mode, where you can contribute just by spraying the ground and completely ignoring any enemy
Thanks for replying, yeah I should probably ask at the Fire Pro Wrestling Arena but I mainly just wanted a quick and dirty translation and got lucky with that here in the past.
So the first image I posted is from Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special. The second is from the sequel Super Fire Pro Wrestling X. There are about 10 wrestlers from there that I’m transferring to FPR (the last game) and those 4 categories make up their “personality” which was changed to this in Fire Pro G/6MS and beyond:
Actual definitions on what each category does in each game seems to change from faq to faq/person to person so I was hoping maybe a solid translation of each term would help me match things up.
What Saturn emulator would you guys recommend? Ideally one that allows to advance a game frame by frame.
all saturn emulators suck, sorry
(they’re all bad in different ways so you pretty much have to have both yabause and ssf installed at the same time)
They work about 90% but asking for features on them is looking a gifthorse in the mouth.
Is PS4 still the best way to Witcher 3 if I don’t have a beast of a PC?
think so
I’m starting a fresh one when this expansion comes out ohhhh yeeeeeaaahhhhhh
I think witcher is best with polish audio
will my videogame fascination hobby leave me dying cold and alone with nobody who understands how or why I feel about consuming media
No, the fundamental cruelty of the world will do that.
a small handful of SNES games (mostly late Square releases) used mode futzing to display high-resolution text in normal-res circumstances, such as menus or even dialog boxes.
I know a number of PS1 games jumped between resolutions (especially for FMVs), but was the system able to ‘overlap’ them like those SNES examples?