That’s not part of Markdown or any other programmer-y thing, seems like a Discourse specific quirk. I think whoever wrote Discourse deeply loathes ellipses with more than 3 dots and also applied the same coding to commas. Anyway you can backslash the later commas if you really want them: like so: ,\,\,
Are there any compilations/collaborations/vollections out there which you think are as good or better than Sounshock FM Funk Madness and it’s follow ups?
Oh and here’s a tip for Shenmue 2 that everyone complained about 15 years ago (lordy!). Early in the game you are going to need money. Go to the gambling hall, save, bet everything a few times over and in 15 minutes you will be beyond rich for the rest of the game.
I don’t know of any that approach the breadth and energetic qualities those carry in their “sound niche”
They really are pretty standout, there’s plenty of chip/vg/electro comps with good stuff out there but I’m not familiar with anything comparable. You’ve inspired me for a slow scan of sorts though.
Shnabubula’s Zithro to the Max on volume 3 is killer; what a succession of melodic teases! I was crushed when the artist removed all their chiptune work from the internet.
What are some Switch games that are good for playing on a long flight?
I was thinking of getting Minit or Kero Blaster, but seems they might be too short to last the trip. Maybe Dead Cells or The Messenger?
Totally late but the forums threw this question about Chase: Cold Case Investigations into my view.
I played some of it a while back. It’s a linear visual novel with occasional questioning of suspects in the form of multiple choice questions. There were also some hidden object puzzles, which is about as exploratory as it gets. It wasn’t very interesting and the characterization was rather bland (hard-boiled chauvinist detective dude with his ditzy young assistant).
I need to buy an laptop as we son’t even have one computer anymore. 300-800€, used. It needs to run indie games, cracked Indesign / Illustrator and Office.