Lol the folks at work are gonna think this is witchcraft.
it is preferable if you can just run something like offlineimap to connect directly to the mail server like a regular client and then just munge it that way but if you only have local copies you only have local copies
Ah, that’s a good tip!
Here the team working on it had a client forward all the emails from his phone so the timestamps are all messed up too, and offlineimap with his creds would have been way better all around.
some of the questions aren’t even about computer games!
sorry, i meant
some of the questions aren’t even about computer games?
i want dragon quest sfx on my phone but i dont know how
From which game and which phone/OS? We can make this happen
its a new xperia zx1
as for which game… the sfx in the ds games are nice to me
hey i have a question
if a werewolf bit a centaur…
So my birthday was yesterday, and now I have 100 Birthday Bux which I am thinking of wasting on video games. My question is which of the 4 options below seems like the best pick:
Octopath Traveller - probably too early to ask for opinions on this… I kinda bounced off Bravely Default and random encounters seem to put me to sleep in anything but Phantasy Star and Dragon Quest. But the aesthetics and battle system seem like they might be interesting enough.
Ys VIII- I never played anything in this series, and this one seems a bit generic visually speaking. But it seemed to get a decent amount of hype and some of the story and setting seems vaguely intriguing. Is it just a standard hack and slash like the Tales games, or is there some substance to it?
Captain Toad - It’s cheaper than the rest and look cute / fun enough that my GF might actually play it with me, but I dunno if it will keep my interest for too long.
Just save the money for Yakuza Kiwami 2 / DQXI / Shenmue
I am the resident Shenmue super fan and I wouldn’t save my money for it.
I say Captain Toad and a couple of download only titles. Or heck like 4 download titles that all seem mildly interesting.
I have spent like 20 hours sitting on the couch next to someone who was playing YS VIII and I bloody love it. It’s very charming. The characters look awful and it’s great. The environment graphics will grow on you. The combat is hack stuff and press the dodge button. The island feels like home. The fishing is good. You can jump dash everywhere really fast. The music sux except sometimes when the music is good. There’s a bird that you have to feed every fish to once. There’s a bit with a steep ramp.
Captain toad is way better though pick that
i love the ys series, and i liked ys viii more than most peope here did, but i would still tell you to buy octopath or toad, just because i know little enough about them for them to be interesting
Ys VIII is seriously the spring break of JRPGs. It’s a total blast. Be forewarned that you will need to do a big chunk of the side quests in order to get the best ending, but it’s no big deal since even just moving around and being in combat is a fast, responsive and joyful experience.
Hmm… Seems like Captain Toad is winning out, but you’re twisting my arm towards Ys somewhat.
Is it super talky, and is there a Japanese option? Are the sidequests actually interesting or just the usual ‘gimme 20 wolf pelts’ kind?
There is a lot of dialogue, yes, but the game does have a fast-forward button for that if you don’t care! Japanese voicetrack is included, yes.
Sidequests do err more on the side of resource gathering, yeah, though it makes sense given you’re in a bit of a Robinson Crusoe situation. They do throw some curve balls, though - some of the quests revolve around getting to know your fellow castaways better, strengthening bonds and all that.
I do need to emphasize that the combat is really, really nice and keeps things from getting too tedious. Most of the stuff you need to get by is as easy to grab as brushing past a bush in mid-combat. Items automatically get picked up within a certain range, so it doesn’t break the flow at all. Adol and co. are pretty much a non-stop hunter-gatherer freight train, it’s great.
are the Vita, PS4 and Switch versions of Ys VIII roughly equivalent
Captain Toad: What if Monument Valley was a videogame