polygon fetishism reborn

did they just projection map textures from low res reference photos for this aesthetic? that’s what it looks like to me

Maybe…the kitchen shot and the building exterior looks like it’s made from photo reference (a lot like photogrammetry Google Maps 3D), but the really low-res pieces like wall textures and that close-up on the pigeons look like hand-made textures, as do the specular maps. The red/blue extreme-lit images look out of character and honestly like they’re not fully in control of the style, or they’re trying to push their bounds and it’s breaking down.

I like the propping in the kitchen shot; like a lot of good PSX interiors, there’s a density of detail but only a few objects, so it’s both cluttered and visually navigable


still enjoying this Adult Swim short & its complete disregard for hiding the artifice of its photogrammetry


I do really like this look, wish it was attached to something other than “a surreal journey through dreams, memories and fantasies”. Imagine a Receiver like this


Facade 2: new apartment, new dinner guest


Personally I think this kind of environment generation would work very very well in redefining the edge between video games and movies.
I’m probably getting a wrong perception on pop culture as I usually do (over and under the ground), but a serious attempt of creating an aesthetically fitting world to create… hmmm…

small rant-ive introspection

Hence the edge between video games (interactivity… big point not the only one) and movies (having a story/script delivered to you through a narrative that you do not control).
I really don’t see why every time I say “interactive movie” and that it should honestly exist separate of video games. Personally I am more than interested in going on about for 100 years in the little differences and where the edge lies, and move it back and forth.

Anyways… imagine a situation:
That pretty much looks like central european urban architecture. Even with periodic changes… yeah those empty spaces on a rectangular 3, 4, 5 stores rectangular building. In poland there usually restaurants, bars, and stores at the bottom floor of those “empties” inside.
A street of those… how many stories could happen there.

You don’t need as much as to control the stories, but you do want to control the narrative.
You are a spirit of a person you just died… wanna add some videogamy (wrong) you have 30 minutes till you go into the beyond. How many stories can you follow during that time (gaming it will be easier for engineering… erm… limits always work better for practical things).

Or take that stress completely. You have all the time ???
You have plenty of script and stories, but they drag on for days because people have lives. They get out of the range you can go before you decide to go to the beyond. You have that hint of self generation just to make it a bit unpredictable (small path changes that you do not control), but heavily scripted because writers have to get JOBS D= (so do translators, well… also writers).

In the end you could go anywhere within that range (even a bit underground because you died on a lower floor xD), see any stories, decide what to see and how… until you decide to end it.

Might be a bit boring but I might actually spend some time on it, specially with an simplistic controller you can use with only one hand (on the sofa… chillaxing… absorbing).

[edit] I wrote too much again… why can’t I be cool like you guys and twit-write D= [/edit]


You may be interested in this:

Procedural narrative is a much harder problem than procedurally building out spaces, but people keep chipping away at it. As a design problem it’s more like theology than math; we’re not making solid breakthroughs enabled by tech but instead shifting between different gyres, in reaction to the failings of the current mainstream


Dang this rules incredibly hard

but king of dragon pass already perfected procedural narrative and everything since has been pale imitations thereof

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Hmmm, I was hoping it was understandable.
If these any kind of art tech doesn’t come with a multiplicity of exposure to people’s lives, and doesn’t “drink” from it… there’s not even a point on having “the big dick” in it. I was hoping this wasn’t a race (been doing plenty in art of rally).

The tech might be perfected (for obvious reasons I can’t believe my own statement) but people have to tell stories with it or, it only proves it’s not useful and hence… very very far from perfect (design, form function).

If it is perfect artistically and not on the engineering part… you obviously have no idea what you are talking about (YESES… I WAS ABLE TO BE RUDE).
Ultimatums in art only work with Dali and urinals.

I’m sorry I… fuck I’ll look confrontational again when I only wanted to express… yes thoughts from over long and not just a reaction. But the context was a trigger… oh come on I hate internet now a days.

[edit] a trigger to ideas, not an emotional trigger that… now this is triggering me D= [/edit]

Oh I got what you were going for and I actually like the idea of a “walking sim” that works along temporal lines as well as physical lines.

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In any lines, that’s the entire point of it.
But in the end it has to be… customized? design-able? I like “modded” since hacked felt out of fashion (which is exactly what you do when you pick someone’s code and suit it to your needs).

Tech is just hammers (in essence the prosthesis of our closed fist). And every time humanity thinks new hammers we build wonderful and horrible things with it. Video games is just one thing and I don’t see any point on not creating new.

However I do think videogames should be further analyzed as “what are they?”.
I believe people keep thinking of all the disciplines as separate “styles”, “things”, “personalities”.

No… just no.

just played critical blow for the first time and it is a beautiful game

and the music is incredibly 90s japan, too


i’ve mentioned before how there’s a certain kind of grainy quality i desire when i play a drift racing game, and hashiriya: ookami-tachi no densetsu might be the most perfect example i’ve encountered of what i mean

plus there’s a girl who owns a mini


I love this but I can’t believe it’s from 1997

Darklands tho.

I’ve tried to play KoDP a couple times and I always bounce off of it.
Mayt¡be there’s something about the early game and UI that I’m not getting but it seems incredibly dry to me


for a moment i thought the cute yellow robot was gonna look around horrified at the damage its landing had done and try to starting fixing things


Black Book