Podcast Organization Thread MK III: Wild City Destruction

I’d be in for tomorrow! I have to get some work done and help someone move but I can fit it in

gah sure I’ll do this. will check around noon central to figure out when this is happening.

Alright this didnt happen i guess next weekend okay cool.

Alright, based on the results of the signup sheet here, and since Sunday is technically a holiday (oops I should have realized that) I think the only time I’m gonna be available is Saturday, so we’ll convene at 3PM Pacific Time, March 26th. Anyone who has signed up already (or who still might sign up) I will share my document with in the coming days.

looking forward to hearing it…
looks like a crowd already.

You should probably show up on Saturday if you can anyway. DO IT.

Ok 4pm Saturday (my time) in the bookings. OMG are you guys STILL using Vent? I swear… There’s better programs. :stuck_out_tongue: ‘see’ you there cool SBros.


I hate what I have become.


from this episode everyone will learn a crucial lesson about "yes and"ing rudie

I suffer for my art.

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The SNES one is out just doesnt have a thread yet y’all.

Honk whops got SNES and N64 confused carry on.

Now that another episode is out of the door I’m going to move some of the old organization threads to garbage bin to tidy up the thread list in the Podcast category. Actually I’m just gonna merge them here I guess.

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what’s the theme

saturday night is winning – evening on the west coast, nighttime on the east