Oh okay, I tend to forget about that aspect. Although I don’t know how demanding this game is… But if it makes booji’s PS4 drop frames it’s probably nothing to sneeze at, after all
My piece of shit tablet computer chokes on games that people think should run fine for everybody.
It’s chugging on Hypnospace Outlaw.
I think they should’ve had this game take place in the world of Wraecist
omg there’s so much text and it’s so tiny
It very definitely suffers from that “we ported this from PC and didn’t consider that the audience might not be sitting a foot away from the screen” problem.
i used to play this game a bit. it’s pretty fine! i’m guessing there’s no crossplay whatsoever, though, so i guess that’s the end of it lol
oh well, I’m still willing to dick around if and when there is (now that I notice my post at the top of this thread saying the same thing two years ago)
played more last night & i gave up because of pretty terrible slowdown. the first area outside of the first town kept stuttering for me, not sure if it was lag or graphics performance?
idk if this is worth bothering with on ps4 right now? maybe it runs better on the pro, but unreadable text + jerky gameplay is really turning me off
Does not seem worth it, you’ll just have a bunch of aggravating lag-deaths
Yeah, there are areas where the lag gets bad, definitely. I’ve only had one that was terrible bad, but it was shitty.
I googled framerate problems and it doesn’t seem like that’s a hot topic at all right now? Could very well be lag, the game’s not been out long on the PS4 and it could be that servers are just overloaded. Give it a week, I guess
yeah it’s better now.
i’m torn between witch or ranger (i think i would actually prefer another class but gender lock in 2019 )
also, hear me out: Patio of Exile
Those two classes kinda rule though, so.
Ranger can be easily made to be a dex based melee character (if you want to not use arrows) and witch is basically like playing a very light RTS game if you go for the summons. I have a ridiculous army with her and I am not even at the end of act 1. The only character I have in act 2 is the Shadow (named EmoDjinn) because he is kinda fun, but I will probably get the witch there at some point.
yeah i might try a melee ranger, bow skills seem kinda weak and boring so far. just arrows with different elemental damage?
meanwhile my witch is throwing 3 bouncing fireballs that ignite everything they touch & constantly summoning flying flaming skulls
My witch summons like 6 zombies, 7 skellies, and then a host of demons whenever she manages to kill something before any of them do. It rules.
i was happy to learn “witch_house” was an available name
ok yeah i used a couple refund points and melee ranger is fun. dual wield pierce frost blades just rips thru stuff
Ranger is my most played class, she’s so cool
I really should play a necromancy build someday though but there are only so many hours in a day for videogames and PoE is a looong game.
I hope y’all play at least until the map changes because there are some beautiful sights to be had!
i love how this game is trying very hard to be Serious And Grim because diablo 2, but the first things you fight in act 2 are gangs of vampiric chimpanzees
me, squinting at a monster lifebar: “wait, does that say Blood Ape??”