Why do they call it a “livestream” when it’s clearly just a video
Imagining one of these with actual live hosts and audience interactions where you can spend you platinum Club Nintendo coins to play MKWii Funky Kong screams throughout.
note to SQEX:
now release it on other platforms and we’re talking!
i’m trying to link to the part where he says “we have a lady competing this year!” but links to specific parts in videos never seem to work
P3 and P4 are currently in a cheap bundle on Switch right now, as someone who has only played (and loved the shit out of) P5 Royal for the first time, last year, (no other SMT game really), in y’alls opinion, do you think it’s worth it to get into the P3P one on switch or to just wait until Reload to accommodate someone like me, a little not-as familiar-with anime-baby like myself
point of contention: it’s a livestream of a pre-recorded video
for when you want to prepare everything ahead of time but don’t want people jumping ahead
this method only works if you press the red play button on the video. it does not work if you click the title to open the video in a new tab.
I’m of the opinion that the menu-based navigation and further visual novel-ization of P3P is bad, and the better experience by far is P3.
P3P allows you to play as a girl with a slightly different story and different social link options, so that’s enough to tip a lot of people in favor of P3P. Atlus is saying she’s not coming to P3, though I’m skeptical that an enhanced reissue or DLC that includes her isn’t somewhere down the line.
I worry P3 Reload is gonna sand off too many of the rough edges that are part of what makes P3 good, but P3P already did a fair bit of that. P3R is looking pretty alright, and aside from a few changes they’ve mentioned, the stuff they’re showing makes me think the bones of the game are going to be brought over pretty well. And it may be a more enjoyable jump for a person who expects a P5-like experience.
It’s looking pretty likely that P3 is coming to Switch and other platforms if platform is a concern.
It seems to me waiting for P3R might be the way to go for you, but YMMV.
It’s fucking wild how often they go “the one girl protagonist was just a one time thing, men and women can’f be friends.”
they said they were making an authentic original P3 experience, and then went on to announce a bunch of ‘qol’ changes lmao
authentic p3 experience only extends to cutting out the fem MC and The Answer. no way they’re gonna use the original “burn my dread” and not the FES opening lol
if they go on to remake p4 we’re gonna have a helluva reckoning with half the cast
i don’t see the appeal to remakes of these deeply regressive games by a studio that’s only gotten worse with age
atlus is probably leaving the female mc out simply because she has a slightly fruity storyline with another student instead of cybering with the teacher on .hack or whatever you do in the main game (I mainly played p3p because you can be a girl) which is the real appeal of persona to people in modern times
also it was good that p3p turned everything into an unlimited saga menu
I also couldnt in good conscience suggest to anyone play the new version of persona 3 they are making where the menus take 12 seconds to load because of some shitty animation even if all that other stuff wasnt true to begin with
This is madness.
i’m curious about how the networking is done. i guess the phones are talking to an internet server rather than the switch, and then sync is done just by the time on the phone?