News VI: Fires of Rumorcon

The cracks are back, baby.


I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever get the full SDK for source 2, but it is nice to have a basic ass FPS template to design for in Hammer.

To anyone not getting excited over the netcode and volumetric smoke videos

Iā€™m sorry, we cannot be friends


reminds me of the early days of siege which is extremely high praise


biggest ff news today


Yeah this looks fine. The Icon stuff is a little iffy butā€¦it being represented as a dog guiding you around is pretty neat.

The internet getting mad at a clip from an RPG for having moments where you walk around in a world without much going is extremely funny to me.


the little crackshuffle is shorter than ff7r. theyā€™re learning


First, Iā€™d like to talk about our Development team. Most of our current Development team has served exclusively on FINAL FANTASY XI for many years. Remaining on the FFXI team full-time, however, would mean giving up certain opportunities in their careers as developers. For developers, working with new technologies and seeing the fruits of their labor take form in new products can be a huge source of motivation and an opportunity to grow. So rather than limit our developers to working exclusively with FFXI and its decades-old technology, I believe it would be better to allow them to gain experience in other development environments and bring back their learnings to FFXI. As such, I have elected to further downscale the scope of our Development team to provide more leeway for our operations to continue. The scope of our version updates will become quite compact as a result, but in exchange, we will focus on stabilizing our operations environment for the medium and long term.

imagining peopel who have been stuck on ffxi like, longing to design a modern quest or work with a new system but just being stuck updating ffxi monthly forever. at first i thought this meant layoffs but does it actually mean these people get to keep working and move on to something more modern? will they be lost when taking on new projects? im so interested in this bit


Imagining one of these warbly voiced gray FFXI old timers sitting through his first Crack Track: Length Adjustment and Optimization meeting

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okay this looks real nice but iā€™m wondering why they added random, roguelite style upgrades? why is everything like this all the time now?

i have some criticisms about the animation but thatā€™s more of a polish thing, im sure

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irdge racer type 4 on psn appears to be subscription-only. so iā€™ll just play my physical copy instead, with the slight inconvenience of having to switch hdmi cables to the ps3. :person_shrugging:


hey square enix hire me to maintain your weird legacy tech forever under one condition

you have to let me bring the ps2 servers back up


PS5 crack movement has been further refined from PS4 crack movement


First as comedy, then as tragedy


the 18th brumaire of NVMe


fable 2


Alongside decayed rouĆ©s with dubious means of subsistence and of dubious origin, alongside ruined and adventurous offshoots of the bourgeoisie, were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged jailbirds, escaped galley slaves, swindlers, mountebanks, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, maquereaux, brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, ragpickers, knife grinders, tinkers, beggars ā€” in short, the whole indefinite, disintegrated mass, thrown hither and thither, which the French call les PC gamers


the sans-freesyncs; like peripherals in a sack


actually the dog doesnā€™t really guide you around - thereā€™s a ā€œgolden trailā€ that appears on the ground to whatever destination you are going. itā€™s actually quite nice since it means youā€™re not constantly staring at a minimap, though it does tend to make the game feel like a series of hallways.

anyway the dog will play fetch with you, fight enemies, find treasures, and also dies once. but you can bring it back at the end (at the cost of all the thousands of people who you choose not to resurrect) (or treasure. those are the three options at the end of the game)

but it doesnā€™t lead you around