News VI: Fires of Rumorcon

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i played a bunch of this today just kinda accidentally (i clicked on some random cohost post w/o knowing what it was) and it’s p neat! very impressive for a web game.

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Playdate Direct. New games and price increase


How much do they pay devs to make these games

if I had to take a wild guess I would say ballpark $10k

Panic’s salaries are pretty low too, I think they really get by on “culture” / all their principals already have enough equity and/or houses in Portland

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Catalog leaked a bit ago–apparently you could hack into it from the playdate simulator website starting about two months ago.

I am still waiting to do my giant review of Playdate games here but I’ve played about thirty now and the current standard of quality tops out around “polished itch game.” There is a robust community of people making little game-ass game projects for the device–the kind of things you would want on a portable gaming device period, not really the kind of crank-happy stuff they were paying for in Season 1.

The install base is so low that I would not develop for playdate’s store unless I also got money from the company to make the game.

I don’t know what folks are paid precisely to make games for the Seasons model, but it’s not a ton. My guess would be that a big reason to do the store at all is to create an interface for folks to purchase a Season 2 of 24 additional games or whatever. I am not sure they’re ever going to hit an install base big enough where full time development is possible for it.

I do think it’s very cool that this device is essentially “handheld platform” shit. I ported over one of my Bitsy games to it and it looks kickass, and it’s very cool that I can hand it off to people in public and show them some dumb shit I threw together in two evenings. I know the Pocket also has its own development tools and filetype or whatever but it’s a lot less accessible.


there’s rumors of a CSGO 2.0 or sequel, which I seriously hope means a Source 2 SDK is about to drop. PLEASSSE

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An impressive number of noses actually in the air in that video.

← says the nose guy

Gonna need a Half Life Lost Coast 2 Coast.




Kentucky Route Zero is being removed from Game Pass on March 15


haven’t played 6 yet but absolutely love 5

hearing good things about MES6 (out today), sounds like they really nailed the sim-cade balance in this one. still no track deformation is ridiculous, but that’s my main quibble. criticisms about character models or relatively thin career mode don’t really matter much; the game is all about the core riding experience, and it sounds like it might be in its best form yet in this entry. AI is apparently much improved, and overall gamefeel has been praised thus far (after 5 was massively divisive… 3 is generally considered the apex of the series in that regard). excited to try it…

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Apparently a few months old, but still



Boots are not for sale



Reebok > Red Wing

This movie’s falling short of the classic.

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