Mystery Science News Thread 3,000

ACCOLADE, killed by bubsy, for good

Can be read on their tomb stone.

Bubsy was the first game I ever purchases with my own money. I saved up for a long time and did extra chores. I apparently was a six year old with terrible taste.


Gex or GTFO



this looks a lot like a marketing stunt but just knowing this project still exists. . . . in some form, is nice

I mean, there’ve been quite a few similar thefts recently, many of them making similar nerd-dumb errors in judging the value of their loot.

you’re mad, Steve Harvey’s Funderdome is the next great summer season replacement

Oh my bonglord that looks awful. The first image is of slow climbing.

We all were.

Shoulder buttons. Wipeout is like 80% about the airbrakes.

Racing games should never be 80% slowing down

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maybe you should play extreme-g instead which is grinding-at-blinding-speed-against-walls-because-you’re-going-too-fast-to-turn-quick-enough

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literally never not accelerating in this game, it looks real nice on ps4

tommy :’)


So who is going to be the ninja teleport character when nearly everyone can move just short of light speed?

just like the street fighter alpha anthology with the sfa2 gold splash screen that had t hawk, dee jay, and the bruce lee guy on it :stuck_out_tongue:

this might be worth getting just because i never actually played through mm 8 - 10

but seeing them in sequence in the trailer like that just makes me sad that capcom decided to go back to the NES style for 9 and 10 instead of making something that actually looked good. like if the games played identically to 9 and 10 but looked more like 8… it would be nice. though i guess they couldn’t have done it on the cheap that way

hopefully sonic mania will convince people that good 2d graphics are good, and that ‘retro’ games don’t have to look horribly outdated to still be fun

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I think it’s also a signaling device; Mega Man played best when it looked like an NES game. 9 is a riff on 2 and it needs to tell people that’s exactly what it is.

I’m not sure how you preserve the good parts of 7’s art (sunsets, gradients on the metal pipes?) because the player sprite is so much larger on-screen that the game can’t not be worse from go. 8 has similar issues.


8 is way better than 7 though

even without the dr. light VA