MUWT 2: The Quickening

grimlock swallowed the police chief’s cruiser and mark whalberg made him regurgitate it

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The wandering tinker robot just told the inexplicable japanese samurai robot that it can never understand what it’s saying

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this is the kid from SOLDADO

in this one she was orphaned by a Decepticon Rocket

now she’s playing with a robot alien stegasaurus worm while mark whalberg tells her to leave his junkyard

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now she wants to know if john goodman robot is “technically considered overweight”

this decepticon is in government custody wearing a robot hannibal lector mask

there’s still almost 2 hours of this movie


they installed a new voice box in bumblebee and its a lady computer voice and this man robot cannot deal with this so he calls wandering tinker robot “a punk ass bitch”, rips it out of his throat, and returns to speaking in canned quotes ripped from the airwaves

I hope mark whalberg falls off this killer drone

I hope mark whalberg falls off this flagpole

Ok i hope mark whalberg falls off THIS killer drone


unfortunately mark whalberg has found himself safely on the ground

yeah I don’t know what they were thinking with that. it makes no sense and especially since they’re seemingly setting up alejandro vs graver for 3, I guess. it’s sicario, the first movie ending with a guy blowing away some kids away and a producer saying “I wanna know more about THAT guy!” and now all these fascist murder dudes suddenly love kids in part 2

the trailers really helped set the mood. a purge movie about the government sending in death squards to murder black people. a johnnie depp movie about cops assassinating biggie smalls. a movie where jennifer garner is the punisher mass murdering mexicans. a mark wahlberg movie about how cool it is to be an american with a license to murder in other countries. then sicario 2 starts right off with some imagery depicting our porous border and all the scary brown people swarming in

a good old american time at the ol picture show


The Book of Cyber-Kells


joke about french robot Hot Rod being unable to pronounce his own name because of his accent

whalberg tells Potential Love Interest she’s wearing a “stripper dress” and short butler robot tries to choke him

flashback to bumblebee fighting nazis

Love interest v. Impressed that whalberg can quote arthur c. clark then they go into the next room to check out the round table where king arthur used to hang out with alien robots

mark whalberg is the Last Knight of Legend heir to the legacy of King Arthur

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OH love interest is the last descendant of Merlin and her dna is the key to unlocking the power of the round table and Merlin’s ancient alien magic staff with which he summoned the alien dragon that crushed the allegedly Saxon army in the opening DUH of course

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whalberg and love interest toss her dead dad’s office for clues to the location of the magic staff while downstairs her elderly female relatives and their friends listen and think they are F U C K I N G what a hilarious jape

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