MUWT 2: The Quickening

So when the robot decided to start killing people they couldn’t stop it

I think in my case I’ve actually just lost all interest in filmmaking that’s straightforwardly emotional, dramatic, and effective – I need 12th-dimensional levels of formalism and genre-mixing and high concept irony (or just a lot more scenes played for laughs) in order to find a movie affecting these days. plus there’s been such a drain to TV lately.

I think the newest movies I saw that were actually compelling to me were elle and saint amour? so anyway, moonlight was not especially my thing, even if it was obviously good, and I wouldn’t even have mentioned that other than in response to someone else who seemed to feel similarly.

I miss the few years when julie delpy and bobcat goldthwait were doing a lot of directing

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this makes even less sense to me now actually, because moonlight is like the only formally interesting american movie i’ve seen… this… century?

what about like xavier dolan stuff

Ok wait he’s Canadian

Ken Loach?



I guess synecdohe NY wasn’t that long ago

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Wasn’t there a separate Guardians 2 thread someplace? Anyway I saw Guardians 2. It wasn’t as funny as it thought it was. I literally hurts me to say this but Joss Whedon does the irreverent sarcastic trope-ridiculing trope better.

Someone smart could write something about how all of our big loud action franchises in the 21st century are about Family, but an Awesome Family You Get To Choose rather than the shitty one you’re born with, but I’m not smart and also lazy so I’ll just say Guardians 2 is: Fast & Furious starring Goku’s Spirit Bomb

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I’ve never laughed harder in a theater; the ‘VJ’ (running commentary) is amazing and just absolutely the best

After the show we skyped with the director and acted out a scene for his movie

he’s the real ultimate champ


I saw BAD BLACK a few weeks ago and it was brilliant. The more I think about it the more blown away I am. I tried giving a friend a plot summary and I had to stop cuz I sounded absolutely insane.

That bit when the Video Joker shouts (PLEASE DON’T READ THIS TEXT IF YOU INTEND TO SEE BAD BLACK CUZ IT’S A VERY GOOD JOKE and I’m probably butchering it by paraphrasing) “This is one doctor who needs borders!” was the hardest I’ve laughed in years. It was past 1AM and I think there were 15 people left in the theater but if you only heard the audience you woulda thought it was a packed house losing its shit.

Is the Skype session going to be in Ebola Hunter? Cuz they were asking people to send in footage of themselves dying for Ebola Hunter. I’m too shy for that but it inspired me to ask the producer if I could put Wakaliwood people in DDD and he said yes…I gotta email and follow up on that.


that line killed too, and I heard it reference at the Fantastic Fest showing as a line that “you’ll know when you hear it”

The Natural Playboys of Wakaliwood is an ace idea, the VJ clearly transcends media

And yeah, the Skype session was for the Ebola Hunter, who had been waiting the entire runtime, fingering his gun, just waiting to go off


Of the movies I have watched recently, the stand-outs are Silence and Stations of the Cross.

In Silence, my favorite parts were the priest’s discussions with the Japanese official. But I found the whole film compelling.

Stations comprises 14 long takes with a stationary camera. I always like a story of a strict tradition encountering the larger society (as in Chaim Potok’s novels). And I thought this was a good one, if perhaps a little heavy-handed.

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Silence is wonderful. I had a bit of an apprehensive viewing experience, since it’s based on what is possibly my favorite novel, but I thought Scorsese’s adaptation was a brilliant take on it. Have you read Silence or any of Endo Shusaku’s other works? I’d imagine you’d like him.

Also, do you have a Letterboxd account? And if so can I follow it?

I have not read anything by Shusaku. But I will add Silence to my list of things to read. And we are in fact already connected on Letterboxd. I use a nondescript name so you might not have made the connection. This is me.

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I’d never seen the previous Mad Max films, and still haven’t (but I plan to soon). I decided to see this in the theater on the strength of Babe: Pig in the City.

this is a strong opener


moonlight is hyper-specific about its subject matter to the point where I can totally imagine it just not having any effect on someone who doesn’t relate to it

it’s just so like, intimate that it might not have room for everyone

but as a result the subtext is just so fucking dense and overflowing that when you buy in it’s incredibly powerful

it’s like being in a relationship that makes you feel like the rest of the world could fall away and it wouldn’t matter – that intimacy is what makes it both one of the most impenetrable movies yet also one of the most expansive

it’s just so Of Itself that its existence justifies its existence, if that makes any sense (it definitely does not)


Oh, ha, yeah. I’m pretty sure I didn’t realize that was you. Rad.

Magic Mike is way better than I expected it to be. I heard it was fun. It is also incredibly well made.

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My wife made me watch Channing Tatum dance. Dude can move.

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Wonder Woman is a very OK movie in terrible need of a visual sense and action scenes that aren’t “sub-par over-edited Snyder”.

i liked it! it is definitely the best movie in the current incarnation of the dc film universe, but that is saying basically nothing

i guess someone could argue that man of steel is not quite as awkwardly paced, but it’s still joyless and miserable and way too long

I’d been wanting to see Threads for years, but didn’t know of an easy way to do so. The other day, I learned that it’s been available right here on Vimeo for a while now. Not the best quality, but I downloaded it and watched it on my TV through the PS4 using Universal Media Server.

There are a lot of post-apocalyptic movies, but I don’t know of many that show the before, during, and after the way this one does. It’s pretty effective, and somehow I’m not sure it would work as well if it were all sharp and HD.