MUWT 2: The Quickening

The movie production and subsequent launching/ignominious running aground of involved ship are the penultimate and final chapters of Leviathan, respectively. They’re treated as the final gasp of the New England whale fisheries.

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I actually quite enjoyed reading Leviathan I recommend it to anyone who is curious

I thought Booksmart was really funny

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my review of Aladdin (2019):


Been particularly desperate for high seas piratey stuff recently. Since I’ve already watched Master & Commander again, here’s my reviews of the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

If anyone has any good pirate or high seas suggestions, lemme have em.

I basically came away from this rewatch loving the high seas magic/mysticism stuff, loving the pirate stuff, loving Barbossa, and gettin’ real sick of Jack Sparrow and absolutely any “on-rails” sequence where they’re trying to do some kind of dumb theme park ride inside of the movie.

  • Curse of the Black Pearl: Obviously this is the best one by far. Tight story, lots of shenanigans, lots of Geoffrey Rush’s joyous Cap’n Barbossa.

  • Dead Man’s Chest: Half of this movie is great? The other half really sucks, and the two halves are slurried together. Bill Nighy’s Davey Jones is fucking amazing. The whole Davey Jones story is actually great, just confusingly told. The Jack Sparrow stuff is completely unnecessary this time around and good god are the “ride” sequences agonizing, where they’re like stuck in a giant ball for 25 minutes.

  • At World’s End: Okay so almost all of this movie blows ass BUT the climax of this movie is one of the most glorious fucking things I’ve ever seen. Again, largely thanks to Barossa.

  • On Stranger Tides: Completely forgot this exists till recently. It’s actually not bad?? I overall enjoyed it. Ian McShane plays his Deadwood character (also Blackbeard), the plot is focused exclusively on pirates doing piratey things, and again, Barbossa gets tons of stuff to do. At the end of the day none of the story stuff works and it sorta just pushes a mass of yarn across the finish line, but, I think it’s worth a single viewing.

  • Dead Men Tell No Tales: Geeehh. It’s watchable. None of the story stuff works, none of the new characters get satisfying arcs. There’s a little dab of some interest with the British Navy trying to control the sea by getting Posideon’s Spear, but that’s about it.


this is one of the things i like about this movie: it shows how transparently forced Jack Sparrow scenes are unless they are in the first movie. they want him to be this trickster character with a heart of gold but he’s just a boring numbskull, and this is the movie that most fully embraces his numbskullness. He is the protagonist who affects no change and the movie could have happened exactly the same without him.


maybe i don’t like that part actually i dunno, these movies are weird

I really liked dead man’s chest for some reason. I saw it like 3 times in the theater. I didn’t care for the 1st movie at all.

You ever seen Black Sails? (TV Show)

I tried it. It’s okay. My main problem with it is that they never actually go out at sea, they’re almost always on shore, in port.

Well they aren’t constantly at sea. But, there’s plenty of ship battles and boarding/raiding other ships.

The Deadwood movie is beautiful though I never thought the show ended particularly cliffhangery anyway, so everyone being all “finally closure!” is weird. Al scrubbing blood on the gem floor was a good end too. Not like this puts that much more of a bow on things. Come on, as nice as it feels hearst will be in jail for like five minutes. I like that one of the first scenes is utter getting irritated at the two guys just brushing past him and ms garrett because my favorite feel good scene in the original was always this one


I wept, multiple times. but especially the end

any criticism seems pretty useless at this point. I just love what we got

and i love that Garrett Dillahunt snuck in there


i did too! it was really cute and well done and i had a lot of fun with it.

I watched Always Be My Maybe and the charms of Randall Park can only go so far.


Hell yeah Plane Movies

Old Man With A Gun was a “Let’s Give It Up For Robert Redford” applause “And also Casey Affleck.” silence, single cough

Captain Marvel was fine. The twist was good. The uhh stakes and rules and power levels seemed completely arbitrary for each scene. It is much more successfully girl power than Wonder Woman (I never got over how horny and ineffective WW’s armor) or Endgame (spoilers: there is real bad girl power.)


Also for how much it needs to spell out there is a lot of cinema shorthand in Captain Marvel and that impressed me.

I feel like it’s okay in June to say that fuckin lol at making a goddamn 140 minute movie to introduce a character that shows up for a 10 minute cameo in your big ass 3 hour money furnace/vacuum


it’s me

I’m the asshole on corner yelling “ACTUALLY SHAZAM IS THE BEST COMIC BOOK MOVIE OF 2019 SO FAR”

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no, wait

can I change my answer to John Wick Chapter 3

Captain Marvel was good and people who didn’t like it are enemies of the state and the people

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