If you capture them, you can do the arena quests indefinitely. I was in the same boat, farming Tobis for glaive upgrades.

I figured out how to invert the bow (it’s just below the camera control inversion x_X), but I was messing around with the Charge Blade and Switch Axe and they both seem a lot more fun than the other weapons. Would anybody recommend one over the other? I’m liking them about equal in the training area.

They’re similar though Switch Axe has more range and power while Charge Blade is more defense and applying status. Pick the one that feels the most in tune with you.

The switch axe and charge blade have a really different flow. Charge blade is probably just straight up better all around, has more complexity on it’s face but doesn’t really require you to be amazing with it to get good results. Guard points are great. SAED is great.

Switch Axe is time sensitive and meter-management focused. You’ll be doing a lot more morph attacks than CB. Optimal SA play requires you to engineer moments out of a lot of variables. and is maybe the worst weapon of the lot defensively. but I prefer it just cos it’s real real fun and flashy and flowy once you get it down and it feels amazing when you’re playing well. It’s more skill and timing dependent than CB overall I think. Less to learn, but harder to master.


stop, you’re making me want to learn the switch axe


You should, it is True Chunky Monhun Dinner


i still love all the weapons for different reasons and i want to spend more time with all of them

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i hit a horrendous roadblock halfway thru HR story and managed to overcome thanks to learning how to switch axe. finishing the final boss with a zero sum discharge to the dome was :ok_hand::ok_hand: good shit :ok_hand::ok_hand:


*** trumpetous fanfare ***

somehow i got not one, but two earplug 3 decorations last night hunting normal-ass high rank stuff

is the drop rate on those generous or did i just use up all my good luck for the year?

those are not on a particularly rare tier, in my experience! you probably still have some luck left

shameless cross-promotion


i gotta start playing this and i think i’m gonna go Full Bard and go all-in on the hunting horn, is this viable/advisable Y/N


very yes

All weapons are soloable. Just choose the one that resonates with you.

yeah hh rules even more than ever afaik

i like to answer SOSes & i’m basically always happy when i get a HH user in an SOS party

one time i fired off an SOS & 3 hunting horn users joined

wildlife pummeled by local jazz trio + axe wielding barbarian, news @ 11


Hunting Horn does not get enough love so hell yeah

afaik it’s the only weapon that actually makes you run faster, which I envy tremendously

And doesn’t give a damn about how sharp it is, every single one (IIRC?) has that song that lets you swing without bouncing.