Mighty News Thread Number 9: No Silksong in Mudville

Seeing the phrase IMMERSION TRAILER sent a full body shiver down my spine so I guess it worked.


out now!


have really liked the style of this and been anticipating it for awhile but wasnā€™t very into the demo - felt like there was a big lack of direction in the level design. maybe they improved things with the final release though. some of the areas in the trailer definitely look more distinct/different from what i played.

this article with more info about what happened with Annapurna just dropped:


The whole situation is a baffler.

who talks like this?

windows only :sob:

looks really dynamic and fun tho, the obsessive adherence to saturn visual fidelity is very satisfying (especially the dither-for-transparency)

guess i need a steam deck now

wow, thatā€™s so crazy that happened! so weird! am i right? anyway erm yeah wow guys, so that just happenedā€¦ so i guess time for you to apply to our company now, lmao?


How many of these bigger smaller publishers have shut down in the past couple of years? Humble Publishing, Adult Swim Games, now Annapurna. Am I forgetting anyone?

isnā€™t the whole point of having a rich dad that you can just fund these whims in perpetuity? skill issue


Soundtrack by The Holophonics!


Iā€™ve been looking forward to Lornā€™s Lure for years now but the most recent demo has very distracting screen tearing on my PC and based on the gameā€™s Steam forums it is still an issue in the full game so Iā€™m gonna wait for a bit to see if the dev can sort it out in a patch or two.

Tiny little news interesting to only me:

So Japanese Releases are on Thursday (except for historically Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter). And yet Silent Hill 2 is coming out 10/8 (The day PSN updates worldwide, tuesday) and Sonic Generations is out on the 5th, a Saturday (???)


methinks itā€™s probably got to do with some Japanese companies doing things the ā€œtraditionalā€ way are starting to sync everything to a more ā€œworldwideā€ standard. like apparently sony reversed the O and X in menus in the ps5 in Japan as well? iā€™ve seen that around and i donā€™t know if itā€™s true or just a rumor, but if true itā€™s probably something along those lines as well, just have one standard for everywhere instead of regional differences.

just out of curiosity, is the reason MH release dates arenā€™t on thursdays the same reason why DQ releases arenā€™t on thursdays?

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I think Sony releases games on Fridays many times now too, for their bigger games in the west. The X/O reversal is real and coincided with the PS leadership changing to PS Europe. Now that PS CEOs are split between Europe for software and Japan for hardware, I wonder if theyā€™ll fight and tear the company apart over reverting the change for Japan.

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Donā€™t know about the modern ones but the PSP and 3DS releases were absolutely because everyone would skip school/work.

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