Mighty News Thread Number 9: No Silksong in Mudville

i have literally never seen a ps5 in the wild in a store nor have i ever seen it in stock online, the only people i know who have one had to really move heaven and earth to get it within the launch window and since then i’ve literally never heard of any place getting one, so the idea that they would release another more expensive one is two vowels and one chris bridges away from being totally ludicrous

i really liked my xbox series x at the time but right now it’s just gathering dust, i don’t have the desire to play any new games anymore that you can’t get on a handheld device

astro bot more like scalper bot


“we’re closing the xbox division and going all in on AI”


with sophisticated enough AI models, the games will be able to fully play themselves and we won’t even need consoles


This is strange because yeah, you can just walk into a Target here and get one. Source: that’s what I did like a month ago.


when i lived in california i never was able to see one in a target/walmart or a gamestop, i still don’t come across them here in oregon but then again i’m not exactly on the hunt for one right now. checking now you can get them on amazon so things have improved but they seemed to be out or have no stock for years (granted it was the pandemic when it launched but still for a while after)

As for who it’s for, I think I know the answer. It’s for the people who held off on buying a PS5 until the PS5 Pro came out lol.

I know there are Sony fans who are all ready to trade up and get the newest version but I can’t see being that excited for it unless there really is that much of a performance increase.

I know Alan Wake and a handful of other games will be getting patched to take advantage of the new features so that’s cool guess I’ll wait for the comparison videos to see how Alan Wake looks with twice the ray tracing.

As for the price it is interesting that they landed on $700. If you adjusted for inflation the PS3’s original suggested price of $600 would be like $850 in today’s money. But damn I’m still stuck on feeling like even $500 is too much for a game box. I’m biting a bullet either way if I want to play Spider-Man.


120,000 yen hahahahaha.

That’s about what I paid for my ray-tracing laptop 3 years ago.


Don’t know how it is now, but I recall historically Playstation has been Sony’s biggest moneymaker so they probably have a greater interest in keeping it running, even if they seem to constantly trip over themselves. Microsoft’s interest in their games seems to grow and wane, but they would at least have the coffers to keep a skeleton running even during bad times (not to mention they just spent 80 billion dollars buying up a massive chunk the established AAA industry).


here’s your game industry mindfuck news of today

new startup games company called Mother Games co-founded primarily by two women who met while one of them worked at Palantir (yes, the Peter Thiel company who does weapons contracting) for four years after her company got bought out by them who are using this sort of extreme woo-woo version of the “transforming through play” language of like thatgamecompany circa Journey to make a Roblox-like digital platform except more hip and artsy looking?

“a lot going on there” as they say. shine on, you crazy game industry.

we need to support our friend Mommy’s Best Games from this intrusion into the space of Mom-based game company names.



i’m glad Palantir Mommy is coming to transform the game industry through play

“So hold me, Mom
in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms
Your military arms.
In your electronic arms”


damn this really sucks lol


she’s pissed it doesn’t have a disc drive


“The project aims to go against ‘traditional mobile games that exploit the dopamine system to addict players,’ the announcement said, instead focusing on ‘the serotonin cycle to expand perception and generate awareness’” feels like the punchline to the decade-long joke of four-humors monoamine pseudo-medicalist mystic-grift hell that’s penetrated every level of culture

joke’s on them, i’ve been incubating my adenosine/GABA-oriented video game company for years


oh hey btw guys have you ever realized that sporks are really weird? like they are two different utensils and yet one distinct utensil at the same time. you know what, i think i am a spork, in a cosmic sense. i think i’m starting a new religion now. i think im gonna do this now.


My mum calls 'em splades


they should make the ps5 pro console collar really really big like twice as big and the inside black ‘system’ bit really small so its like its wearing teh david byrne suit and once theyve set that as their lodestone i imagine their decision making would be quite improved


Astro bot’s design being so generic and it being so full of references just makes me think of funko pops.

Deep Cuts are how they get you, I’m sure there’s a spreadsheet on the dev’s google drive called ‘references’ with a checkbox column labeled ‘deep cut?’


I feel like I preferred Astro Bot when he was one of a four person squad. He worked better as a power ranger-style design than a unique. Granted it looks like there wasn’t actually a blue bot back then. I liked how their designs changed based on the mini-game though.

I hope these guys show up again.

