Mighty News Thread Number 9: No Silksong in Mudville

Jokes on Sony, my tv isn’t fancy enough to take advantage of the regular PS5’s features much less the Pros.

I swear there’s been more posts about Astro Bot in this thread than what is typically posted in an actual game thread


Sakurai knows about wasting a lot of time to beat a silly game, so I respect this.





who could have thought that Astro, of all bots, could be the harbinger of imminent demise of the PS of Fives (Pro), and we would celebrate him while marching into oblivion (not the game, isn’t that at MS now? :tarothink: )

Jokes on me though, when the PS6 hits the shelves due to immense sales success, I’ll be standing in line for the newest (then again cubic design piece top end audio imitating hardware) versione to get rid of 1000 $ (OK, probably more like 1500 at this rate) and think of this snarky post and how that worked out.


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so like does Astro Bot go to space or like runs on nuclear fusion or something

does it write up natal charts

edit: Wikipedia tells me Astro is indeed a Space Robot. Boring!

Astro Bot is friends with Dickey Mouse


dude this looks so fuckn sick.


Sounds like a guy who’s done making games.

Astro Bot is the last survivor in Tokyo Jungle


it should be noted that sakurai is absolutely making a joke and not seriously regretting taking up people’s time with his meticulously designed games in this video he’s made about how to make good compelling video games that make people want to spend their time on them


All against Level 9 Ness in Jungle Japes.


Oh, thanks for pointing that out! The article did a poor job of putting the quote in context, and of making his video they embedded look like it was the whole point of the article, rather than an ad or something that my eyes just skipped past.

So I guess they had the superior clickbait. >_<

My fascination with the evolution of Atari continues. It’s funny because I absolutely didn’t care about anything to do with this company until the last 5 years or so


yeah its a very funny joke which is why i posted it


Oh dang I didn’t realize Atari bought Digital Eclipse in '23–the year after Digital Eclipse made Atari 50.

Also Worms Armageddon is currently on sale for $2.99 on Steam until the 25th, the day before Digital Eclipse’s “Anniversary Edition” of it comes out. I can’t find an announced price on that one. Oh and currently it’s only been announced for consoles, not PC.

And I’d already forgotten that they’re doing this (the video posted in News was the Switch release eh so I guess that’s my dumb excuse):

Wonder if it’ll end up being the last non-Atari thing they make. Hope not but eh well I guess we’ll see.

… Although come to think of it I ended up getting a little irritated with 50 'cause the game graphics are always slightly blurry no matter what, sheesh. Guess I’ll still get Tetris Forever 'cause I’m gonna be too curious about those other Tetris games not to but may not be a game I keep installed.

… Oh hey aside from the “recreation” of the original Electronika version they’re all FC/SFC/GBC games so I guess I can just check them out that way. Alllrighty then.

Yeah I’m good with my NES Tetris + “Nostalgia” romhack. ^_ ^ Actually this is a really underwhelming collection, jeez.

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This article is how I learned Atari boughtout Digital Eclipse, which is something I would not have considered a guts move. Relatedly, I’ve been looking at the Yars Rsing reviews since it was embargoed to release day and they are not looking good. I was considering buying it but now, not so much.


That’s definitely a game I’ll play for 40 minutes when I get it for free from the Epic store or something

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The dream of the Amico yet lives.


I have no idea what to make of Judero as I loved their prior game Dujanah and the look of this is wonderful, but the demo was rough due to the combat which was… creative yet not good at all. That was over a year ago now so hopefully it came together in the interim but I remain worried.

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