(SB Chess Club)

You weathered my queenside attack well, and I was too focused on offense, not realizing my weak kingside was left just open enough for that strongly placed Knight and queen to score a knockout.

Fun games, and nice writeup. I would love a rubber match some time.


rubbermatch would be great. i want to stream the whole thing next time and do commentary, would make a great highlight!

bored, wanna stream some chess, down to play time controls today if needed
@jsnlv @vikram @rypietrowski

iā€™m getting chess satiated, iā€™ve only felt like playing random or ai games. i can play one probably if itā€™s quick

fun game, meauxdal. yeah to sum it up i think the rooks needed to get to c and b files which were the ones that could have been opened with that pawn setup. iā€™m not sure castling kingside would have been better, i might have just castled queenside and just moved the king over to a file. that and the leaving the space for the knights on the kingside

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and yeah the tactical value of not trading pawns is kinda incidental to me just liking games with a good amount of pawns on the board

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fyi, i made a discord for this

which is why there hasnā€™t been as much activity here. iā€™ll edit this permalink into the OP

just played a sick ai game

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sorry about resigning our last game @vikram i was too disgusted with absolutely fucking myself for absolutely no reason to continue playing it

engine said it was still a draw but iā€™m 100% sure i would have continued playing like complete shit and losing anyway

you played well to come back but iā€™m just absolutely in contempt of myself right now

sorry again

no need to be sorry. thatā€™s chess. I spent most of the game in contempt of my own self - I hadnā€™t played basically since the last game we played and it showed. so I was just glad to get back to an even position.

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So Iā€™ve hanging out in meauxdalā€™s discord for a couple months now, playing on Lichess, itā€™s been fun. Iā€™ve just been doing my usual thing of looking to play cool games

This was a cool one, I like having long pawn chains and using all the pieces positionally at once. So I was able to do that and have a bunch of piece maneuvering. Also I ended up castling my king into danger so I ended up moving it back 5 moves in a row to further away that it started wtih. And then I lost on time.

This game kinda just sucked. I tried to do a thing to open a file for the rook but I overlooked a very simple move. So I ended up with both knights chilling out with the king. Otherwise it wasnā€™t that interesting

This is probably the closest one Iā€™ve had to an aesthetically cool game. I avoided playing some simpler moves that would have ended it quickly and the level of play wasnā€™t too terribly high, so it wasnā€™t quite a Morphy game or anything. But it had a lot of fun sacrifices and just general things I like to play in it

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massive necro:

iā€™m playing a correspondence game. having trouble deciding what the best move is here

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I would probably d4. keep developing


F5, be bold. Send them running.

theyā€™re white though I think!

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I know!


Oh wait.


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F4, be bold. Send them running.

Wait! Whatā€™s the risk with F5? Pawns canā€™t reach you, knights canā€™t reach you, bishop canā€™t reach you. Theyā€™d have to make at least two moves to take the piece.

Theyā€™d get the knight but then youā€™d get theirs with a pawn.