La vie en vert (GAME BOY thread)

This month, let’s tackle 1995 and 1996 together. I don’t have a list ready, but I get them all from Wikipedia with minimal fussing. I saw Mario Picross on there. I’ve already done all the puzzles in that, but maybe I need to do them again to get back in touch with myself, you know?


95 and 96 are some good years!

I’ve started playing Kirby’s Block Ball on my Game Boy.
I’ll probably replay it on my PC at some point during the month so I can take screenshots.


96 has toshinden, king of fighters 95, and namco gallery 1!

the game boy is the only console where toshinden is better than samurai shodown, and i’m sure everyone also knows about the miraculous kof ports. namco gallery 1 is a compilation of battle city, mappy, galaga, and namco classic. this version of battle city isn’t the same as the one released a few years ago: it has a new mode with shrunken down graphics that fits the stages into one screen, while the original port had scrolling.


I should have energy tomorrow but played a bit more 1994 stuff and found TWO “games” that were just for inputting today’s horse betting info so…you could look at it later?

keiba something something super 8


Keitai Keiba Eight Special?


Crayon Shinchan 3 after the fucking horrors of x68000 adventure games shinchan calling his mom flat chested and then for reasons he doesn’ understand looking up girl’s skirts felt better. Not saying it’s great. But it is the dennis the menace of Japan. Anyways like a game earlier I posted about and can’t remember it is also a walk around and do some minigames game. Meet your favorite shin-chan characters.

The Shinri Game The Psychology Game. Take a bunch of buzzfeed quizes then have an old man yell at you. I got called a petulant brat after taking the pride quiz.

Cool Spot It’s a port of the Genesis game and really imagine trying to play this on an DMG. Sorry not a real good hideous palette on the mister

The Flintstones back when I played every GB game I think I found 10 pirate clones of this game. It isn’t good! But there is a neat endless runner stage.

Rentaiou and Keitai Keiba Eight Special it really is just manually putting in todays horse racing stats and odds. I am sure Sakurina has a video explaining this on the wonderswan.

Tsume Go Series 1: Fujisawa Hideyuki Meiyo Kisei
Be given a bunch of Go puzzles and try to solve them. I don’t know Go! This old man is here to tell you you did bad! It’s Super Game Boy Enhanced with a custom background!

Here’s to 1995 and 6!!


1994 seems like a great year for old people telling you you’re bad.


Instead of playing Mario Picross a second time, I jumped for Mario Picross 2 instead. This one skips right to the good stuff. Main puzzles are 15x15 quadrants which allows for much more detailed chip art. It’s a great version of computer picross, but at this point in my life, I may have had my fill.

I like to imagine that, like Link, Mario has his own consistent chronology, a history that connects every game. In my own historiography, Mario Picross sits at the very end of Mario’s life. He has entered retirement and now spends his time taking walks and sculpting bas reliefs. He appears to have a more significant paunch than other games. If the resolution were higher, you’d see white hairs mixed with the brown in his mustache. All the puzzle art support this. They are all relaxing and sedate. Such a future would be a dream for me.



guess I’ll play up to the first gym in Pocket Monster. Haven’t done that since the DS game in 2006.


Huh Donkey Kobg 94 wasn’t released in Japan until a year later. Maybe it has some bugfixes?

Pooh The Bear’s Big Treasure Hunt Battle ???

What the…


I love the cartooning here. And Takara are the GB fighting game people, right? Sad that I wouldn’t get anything out of this unless I understood Japanese. Just let me assume we’re dealing with Beckett levels of comedy.

The difficulty of Kirby’s Block Ball really seems to ramp up at world 5 (of 11!).

This was the game I got with a GAME BOY pocket on my birthday. I remember sequestering myself into my bedroom and possibly crying at how hard it was. My dad tried to help me and failed. I still have the physical cart and I’m playing it now.


Kirby’s Block Ball does a lot of wild things, but I feel like the wildest is on display right from the start:
Having the paddle’s speed be automatic is crazy.
I feel like every-time I play I flip-flop about how I feel about that.
It sure stands out though.


Yeah, after playing through it sans Level 11, I’d say it’s a lot easier than it seems. You can really exploit the powers to make sure the ball never hits a spike. The automatic speed is such a graceful solution to digital paddle control, the HAL touch. The big challenge for me is trying to reach the borderline score. I know there are a couple of secret exploits with powers that can help double points, but I don’t think I really want to go down that rabbit hole right now.

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That Picross is great cuz it sure seems to have lots of people having problems

Like killer bees

And…wait that’s not something burning in an oven. They’re camping out.

Well I think there was another one that had someone with troubles but I forgot to take a screenshot of it.

It’s also got fairy nudity. This one is for adults. I’m spoiler tagging that image to make it seem more salacious than it is.

Anyway I hope that guy got stung to death, normally I’d wish for his survival but I’m in a bad mood and want nature to punish that dork.


He was probably leering at some nude fairies, so he deserves it.


Oh yeah I forgot one of the first things you ‘cross is a buttplug, Mario Picross 2: Picross For Adults is so bad ass


Donkey Kong Land (1) is so bad. What a terrible game.


Someone who actually likes Donkey Kong Country so you know what I am talking about.