is anyone else playing dragon's dogma on switch

yeah the disparity between a manual save and a checkpoint save is pretty large and not well messaged so I try to use the menu to save as much as possible

Magick archer really just destroys bbi to the point where I feel like I need to play a different class to make it “fair”


Yeah weird thing is that there had been both at least one manual and autosave since that point, but seems like it flagged that checkpoint save as most recent for some reason. I assumed it was because I seemingly skipped some story content and it didn’t know how to deal with that

lol yeah i’m sticking to physical vocations on this playthrough for that reason, but these bosses are a lil more taxing than i remembered

magick archer is so good, their only drawback is they have low stat growth.

in case you don’t know, your character gets the most growth from 1-100, after that you get less stat growth per level. min-maxers will say stuff like you gotta level Mage till 200 to get the best magick archer, but that’s pretty unfun to me, but i am trying to get some magic gains so i’m trying to stick with sorcerer till 100. pretty much can take on anything in the everfall comfortably now but every encounter in BBI itself still feels like a gamble.

granted, BBI will do some asshole things like spawn 3 garm (the giant hellhounds) in a tiny hallway while you’re already fighting shit.

i tweaked my pawn into a better tank build and she’s kicking ass and giving me much more time to cast spells now.

shout outs to whomstever took my pawn for a spin.
i restarted cuz i wanted to redo both my characters and im taking uh… Heidi and Rigby along for some early adventures


dragons dogma is on sale right now on ps4 but idk if i should get that version or the switch one since yall seem to be playing it on switch?? ive never played it before for the record

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Get on switch using your friend’s pawns is fun.

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yewww thanks for the bitterblack wep @rye, it was a sick longbow and cinched the dark bishop fight for me

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Props to whoever hooked me up with that All Mother idol. I finally have ought of time to play this again.


I just started playing this for the first time, on PC. It was clever for the game to tutorialize with a full set of pawns so you can see the intended style of play before you start out solo. I had a good time creating a tiny lady rogue. I hope I have a chance to try the other classes soon because I’m very curious about what the magic user playstyle is like.

I’m optimistic about this game but I’m feeling kind of intimidated by the various systems. I always dread the learning curve in games like this. I’ve literally never liked managing AI friends in a game, I kind of hate that sort of thing. Is it possible this game will make me like it?

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The game compensates for its overly-complex, squishy systems by being easy, until it isn’t.

You’ll have a better time if you go with the flow instead of trying to understand what you’re supposed to be doing. By the time it starts grading you, you’ll probably know what’s up; if not, it’ll let you respec with advice from your friends.


i felt intimidated too and had a hard time playing this game the first time. Stuff that might help:

-the fandom wiki is actually really good if you need to look up what something does

-you can see what your pawns are going to fight like under profile on the status screen. Primary inclination and secondary. there are more in-depth guides on how to futz with this that i won’t get into (and spacetown has a good post on it itt), but just make sure that “guardian” isn’t one of them because it makes your pawns useless. If you find them clustering up near you and not doing anything that’s why
For my money “utilitarian” (fight based on monster weaknesses) and “challenger” (take out ranged fighters first) are the best ones to have

-monsters don’t scale and there are some nasty beef gates you can run into early on. Watch out for bandits in particular. If you’re not doing any damage just run, you can outrun anything and your pawns will eventually teleport to catch up with you.

-big monsters have weak points where hitting them can do extra damage, stun them, knock them down, etc. all the monsters in this game actually have really cool and varied behaviors, it can be hard to notice in all the chaos sometimes

-it’s a good idea to at least get to the main city early on before you explore a lot, because you can start swapping classes and using warp stones.

-goblins fear fire

-wolves travel in packs

-strength in numbers, arisen




Thank you, this is super helpful!

I saw a lot of talk in this thread about how rusted daggers do some awesome slowing effect. As a ranger I started out with rusted daggers but I have the option of buying new daggers with better stats. Should I stick with these starting daggers or play like a normal person and upgrade?

That effect (torpor) is handy but the daggers don’t get it until they’re fully upgraded, i’d take note of the material requirements and throw them in storage until you can max them out

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yeah just hold on to them but use something else for actually fighting. later on they’re handy for tagging a boss with torpor then swapping to something better

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did you play this on switch or ps4? i wanna borrow people’s pawns

oh yeah my psn + friend code are in my profile so feel free to hire my pawns! i think my ps4 pawn is a warrior & my switch pawn is a heals+buffs mage (and probably the smarter of the two of them since i finally figured out inclinations when i was playing that version lol)


mage pawns are a lot more desirable to me because I don’t usually fuck with that stuff in this game so that’s good to know!!


teach me about inclinations