take me, vodselbt, for example. I’ve been here for a while but it’s never too late to get formal. something I don’t think any of you know about me is that I have two different colored eyes irl.
Welcome to the SB Heterochromia Club. Mine’s only one quarter difference in one eye, so I guess that makes me a mere lackey on the club hierarchy.
Us cool eyed posters over here I feel a strong relation with some Husky dogs, they have heterochromia too sometimes. One of my pupils is also quite smaller.
oh cute me and haley too. good job team
wait is this just Bowie eyes or are they ACTUALLY different colours
anyway hi my seven names are eska
Just looked into this, and I think I’ve basically got the Bowie thing going on.
Might have posted before already, but since the topic moved, hi: I’m Jason. I used to post as Intentionally Wrong on IC/SB/LPN/TGQ, and as jsnlv or jsnlxndrlv elsewhere.
you’re literally the first reply babe
aHA. still cool tho
maybe you should post the rally video again
hi I’m daphny and if I’m mean to you it means I like you. if you have a default avatar I will change it
Just discovered this threads exists, Welp.
My name is Arus. I found this place when randomly searching for discussions about video game maps and came across the map thread here. From there I lurked for a bit just soaking all the cool discussions people were having before deciding to join in with my ramblings on morrowind and anything castlevania. I really like how friendly and honest everyone is here. I generally don’t like posting in forums because there are always unwritten assumptions and prejudices that can mark you out if you’re not careful. This place is different though, youse are all good eggs. Its nice to meet you.
Every time someone finds this place On The Internet without being like introduced (and induced) by a current poster it feels like a miracle
hi i’m miffy, i’ve fantasized about being stuck on a rollercoaster since i was thirteen and that’s all you really need to know about me i think
I was reading my original introduction post yesterday, which was ~10 years ago~. My name here is gary which is short for “gary oldman dwarfism” which is long for g.o.d., the one true gamertag, etc. I originally joined the forum because an online friend from elsewhere linked a very mundane thread I couldn’t read otherwise