Impresarios of Mario Scenarios

First course! Spent so long on this one.

“Six Coin Complex”: THS-LDX-LGG

I’m gonna have a hard time making anything but SMB3 courses. I’ve been thinking about this for over 30 years.

I started out trying to do a pretty straight SMB3-style level, but I think this is definitely me on my bullshit. (Hopefully not too challenging though.)


Has anyone complained here yet about how aggressively bad it feels to control the Maker with a controller? Cuz it’s awful.

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Oh hey how do you make Fire Bros?

I’ve been playing the hell out of story mode, haven’t made any levels or played many online ones yet. I’m excited to get into the multiplayer stuff!

In honor of this momentous occasion, here’s some shitposting I did on the Mario Maker 1 channel:


They’re only in the 3D World skin unfortunately :frowning:

3D World in general has access to a lot of things that aren’t in the other skins, and vice versa. Stacking enemies and tracks aren’t available in 3D World, for example.

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I was sad enough about Boomerang Bros. not being in at all.

(I may or may not have once been working on an epic Super Mario Bros. fanfic featuring Hammers Bros./Siss. and all their varieties.)

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Yeah, Nintendo made some very strange decisions on the fringes of this game. It should have been a slam dunk straight upgrade, but little details like this hold it back.

There’s enough new stuff that’s it’s definitely a better game than MM1, but aspects of it are disappointing.

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I really wanted to make a Super Mario World style overworld with secret second exits, disappointed Nintendo doesn’t value overworlds at the moment


That’s how I’ve been doing it and I like it. There is one major problem with the Y button being modal, but otherwise I like it just fine. I tried using a stylus briefly after using the controller for a while and wasn’t particularly sold on the value, especially since I’m constantly testing as I’m making.

Putting NSMB style up against a flattened SM3DL/W style really highlights how much less aesthetically offensive the latter is imo.


yeah if you’re treating the latter as strictly 2D it really just comes across as a refinement

Cool level – definitely going to be harder than you thought it was, though!

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I like this level a lot! The one bit that’s really tough for me is the sub area through the upward pipe, with the vines. I can do everything else but this part is rough! The vibe climb jumps are what’s doing me in.

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Yeah vines in general are bullshit.

fuck, shit, damn, i thought i pretty much perfected this

wait upon rewatch i do fuck up that part right after the buzzy beetles


Thanks! I should’ve been more forgiving with the vines probably. They are kinda bullshit.

fuuuck I thought you could block off scrolling in any direction, but vertical levels can only block off vertical scrolling, so now I’ve got some visible shit just off to side that I don’t want to be visible, and no real estate to fix it with. ~FIRST LEVEL PROBLEMS~

also this level sucks lmao I love this game

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I can’t see that video because it’s private but :sunglasses:

Yeah the only spot I think I could even possibly do better is if I had perfect even jumps onto the hidden blocks shortcut so you’re wasting less time on vertical travel. Pretty sure my beetle timing was right on to not hit the wall and not lose too much momentum.

Here’s my first ever attempt at making Mario: K9M-VRT-06G (Hop 'n Bop!)

Just a short 'n sweet normal level. Shouldn’t be super difficult. I really like the title screen levels. That’s a nice touch.

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this level rules but I timed out looking for the last red coin am I bad

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