Impresarios of Mario Scenarios

@gate88 Your level “Cold Storage” is cryptic and I feel stupid for being stuck on the last puzzle. I can’t figure out for the life of me how to get all three POWs to the other side, even after I manage to dislodge the floating one. I know this is what i need to do, but I feel like I’m missing some fundamental knowledge of the mechanics, or I’m just thinking about this in the completely wrong way. I’ve had to sleep on it for two nights at this point and I still can’t figure it out. I feel so stupid but I’m not going to give up.

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Oh yeah don’t feel stupid! That’s probably my hardest puzzle level in MM2. The last room is brutal and takes a ton of steps that are very easily miss-sequenced (I got kind of a wicked headache creating it). Good job getting this far, even!

By the “last” puzzle you’re referring to the starting room that you re-enter with an extra POW, right?

If so and you want a hint, my hint would be: Make sure you’re considering every POW in that room. By my count, there are more than 3.

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Having a versions system like Dreams has would eliminate this anxiety for me also. I HATE that I can’t update a course after it’s released without losing all the feedback, plays, stars, stats, whatever.

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Yeah, that’s the room. Considering your hint, I’m completely baffled as to what to use the POW in the hole for.


EDIT: WAIT I GET IT, I completely failed to notice the spawn marker for the POW in the hole. Now I realize there are two floating POWs lol. Thanks for the hint, I think I can solve it

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nervous laughter


Dun dun dun, the Jam is over and I just made the megapost with all the worlds submitted!


There’s this 4 Years of Mario Maker level pack from a bunch of creators in the community, 8 new levels a week for 8 weeks. I watched a streamer play a bunch of them and learned some neat interactions I didn’t know were a thing. At least the levels I saw seemed reasonable difficulty (not Kaizo levels) and well thought out.


After 12 hundred hours I still think the 3 best things about Mario are running, jumping, and(the least appreciated of all over the years imo) bumping. I dislike Kaizo and traditional levels, my favorites have been precision or self contained arcade game wannabes. My number 1 wish for an update was screen wrapping. My biggest disappointment with Mario is that it’s fundamentally designed to be solvable, which is why I’m attracted to the Jank.


A few YouTube links I’d like to share

They do a lot of precision courses, idk if there’s a course they can’t complete.

What I mean by self contained arcade game wannabes. This course is really fun, I’ve only lasted about a minute so far.

This guy is impressive as well. He’s got a lot more stuff of this sort on his twitter feed.


Pillars, my short but tough precision level.


I actually got into precision levels through @Thenar’s previous post in the thread. I’ve been watching The Z7’s videos ever since then, and I kind of fell in love with the level genre. Decided to try my hand at making one! Go “team precision”, I guess!

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I like the hook jump to grab the pink coins and I love the jump through the pillars, they feel so good to pull off. I also like how you can save one of the two pink coins in between the pillars for when you go through the green door. I also also like how friendly the first jump can be, you can do a walking jump off the second to last block from the edge and clear the gap without having to sweat about the spike but it’s fun to run and jump off the edge too.

Anybody wanting to try out an easy precision levels should check out Munchroom 1 Y66-FD3-S4G, this was my gateway anyway


Thanks for the feedback! I’m surprised how much I learned about movement just by making a precise, minimalist level. Also, I was unaware of the coin shortcut when I first uploaded Pillars, but I think it’s a nice little touch to leave in for people who dare to get all the way through both pillars before grabbing all the hook coins.

I just finished Munchroom and Munchroom 2. The latter was significantly easier, only taking me a handful of attempts.

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I’ve collected the key twice, but died right after both times. I may need a caffeinated bev next time I play online, it’s been awhile since I’ve really played Mario Maker.

Same, there’s a lot to appreciate about movement when you’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with simple level design. I think what I dislike most about Kaizo is how overly complicated the set ups are. What I dislike about traditional levels is how arbitrarily spaced they feel(this is very much a personal problem).

Interesting, I couldn’t gauge which felt easier.

I also like those “Getting Over It” levels too, there’s a creator who combines it with nonfatal precision.
Themed around one way gates.
My favorite use of the frog suit so far.

If you were looking for more precision levels, team precision is hosted here


Preview of my new evil level


i love these levels so much in theory, they’re so low-key compared to most challenge levels, and everything is right in front of you. no gotchas, no mysterious movement tricks, just…here’s some spikes and piranha plants and shit. i just can’t play them for shit.


they’re very aesthetically pleasing

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@VastleCania would you be interested in playing a similar but more player-friendly precision level? I’m considering uploading some mini jumping challenges in the mean time.


Yeah I think that would rule personally