ILLICIT: CLICK 2B SPOILED (nier 2 spoilers thread)

In Nier 3 at the end your save file expands to fill all available space on your console/PC’s hard drive, and you have to delete it manually to get your space back

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The final ending of Nier 4 deletes the game from your hard drive and then revokes your entitlement flag on the company’s servers so you have to buy another copy if you want to play it again.

Nier 5 bricks your console. At the beginning.

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Well I don’t believe anyone has legitmately gotten the ending of Drakengard 3.

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I accept my current monster status but I will go it again and offer hope to another player another day.

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@Kilroy also, me 2, bubba.

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It’s not even hard. The hidden note is also in the same time signature, you just have to make a note of it the first time.

Hey, actual spoiler talk:. Why does A2 kill the baby king robot? I always assumed we’d find out in loop C but I missed it if we did. Is it just because she hates robits?

I don’t think that was detailed anywhere, it really seemed like a way to introduce and highlight this singular purpose “I’m tired, fuck machine abominations”.

No. They’re not really similar in any way. You’re thinking of the Kojima tim made up I think?


Is there anyway to activate network features so you can find other players bodies while also deleting your save data, or is it meant to be a reveal saved for starting a new game.

i gave up my saves

this game is really special and i’m happy it exists


I don’t think giving up your saves is the “true” ending in the yoko taro sense


time to do ending E again


I was thinking earlier today how if there’s another game connected to these down the line, it might follow ending D with the ship shot to another world, crude ark as it was. Ending E also contains that possibility though, just with our protags + remaining life on Earth too.

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yeah i’m curious to see where they’ll go from here. a part of me wonders how the success of this title (this is Taro’s most financially successful title, no? can we make that call, yet?) will influence that, too.

but yeah, one of the best games i’ve played in a loooong time. gonna get myself past the intro stage on a new save file today and then i guess i’ll play Persona 5?

but, to be honest, i feel like i’m not done processing this game, yet…

so the likelihood i’ll just keep playing is pretty strong haha.

i sort of enjoy that one possible takeaway from this game is “actually, nothing deserves to exist.” that characters are allowed a multiplicity of qualities is refreshing. no one is totally pure and no one is totally evil.

but man…poor Pascal :frowning:
someone also said this (i forget who), but i also walked away from Pascal. i don’t really know what is supposed to be the “correct” response to that situation, so i chose what felt like my most authentic response to that kind of request (given the options available).

that moment hit me pretty hard and i had to turn off the game for a little while. lol

I think it’s a pretty affirmative take on humanity itself. We might be assholes, bigots, we can make wars and kill people and maybe we can’t live with our decisions, but in the end of the day our creations still strive to be like us. And, in the end, if we give up our save file to help someone aren’t we proving that the player, the only human in that world, is good?

The names of the enemies are a little self-indulgent but aren’t we indulging also if we start the second loop to discover them? I smiled so much at Kierkergaard, I felt that I deserved to know his name since I was playing the game for thirty hours at that point. It was a twisted reward, but one of the best.

And… yeah. I walked away from Pascal too. I think the “correct” choice would be to wipe the memories because then when you get back to the village they are selling things (including a child’s core :frowning:) and one weapon, needed to get ending y.

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one million shipped/sold, so i’m guessing so.

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yeah i take this as a much more positive thing. like hey humans haven’t been perfect and trying to blindly/directly replicate them is a bad idea - but the response is for various ideas to exist together rather than a single dominant ideology.


So yeah, got to end E. I have not gave up my saves yet because I want to finish Emil’s quest first. I dunno, I feel I owe the little guy at least helping find his memories.

I am going to need time to process all of this, but I loved this game. Like the first, it not always get things right, but I love how it still tries and when it get it right it’s oh so satisfying.

I liked the reference to the first Drakengard in the red dress girls. I was thinking how this tied to how we are still paying for being murdering bastards in Drakengard. We ruined that world, then the Earth, then the Earth again by ruining project Gestalt and here we are with machines and androids waging endless war in the name of dead masters. But the ark part and ending credits end things with hope?

I do wonder how do come Devola and Popola to someone who hasn’t played first NieR. We know who they are and what they did so their arc work, but they may not appear enough for new players to get the same attachment?

idk I thought the “reprogrammed to feel more gulit” part was uh, pretty salient actually!