i got brown noted by the destiny loading screen when i had e coli

Did anyone say anything anywhere about whether Stadia D2 shares the same servers as PC D2, because to me it doesn’t sound like it does?

I would check all the media myself but honestly I am too exhausted and anxious to click on anything right now

I am looking for this as well! It seems awfully optimistic re: stadia’s player population to not.

This image shows “Google” and “Steam” as separate platforms, so probably not.

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being cross-save and not cross-play, i would assume you play with the population of whatever platform you’re currently on.

I mean the root of my question was whether Stadia considers itself a “platform” for multiplayer purposes or if it piggybacks on the existing PC version and is just a separate store, which I guess the cross save screenshot answers

wait what ok i’m coming back


mind that all of this drops in september

but i keep hearing rave reviews of the menagerie activity

i am going to try it soon?? @Sakurina @bib ??

Y’all should also do Zero Hour once you get the level boost up to 690. It’s my favorite single piece of Destiny and Outbreak is a solid primary for DPS.

I would be down sometime next week if my Internet connection cooperates

so i quit destiny forever after they brought back random rolls

but this fucking news
and its on sale

guess im un-quitting destiny 2!!!


is there a ps4 destiny clan because this hell game has sucked me in again and i want in


I think rye is the only active PS4 player right now though

i’m probably gonna be playing mostly on pc after september though… sorry

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RIP :frowning:

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Once Stadia’s free tier is out I could see that as a place for the PS4 and PC people to group up for big activities.

I know this ain’t Sakurina, but if anyone wants to get a PC Destinybox going, the system requirements are low but just this side of Intel integrated graphics. It’d totally run on a used Dell workstation with a GPU thrown in for like $100 (USD), though.

It is wild how much the stream brought the community back immediately. I’ve had server queues and the API is so busy that transferring gear with Ishtar Commander is hinky.

yeah i could carve out a chunk of afternoon too if rye promises not to actually jump to pc


Is it the stream or is it season of opulence?

It started Thursday, but I can’t say for sure. Menagerie is really great!

I’m doing the power surge stuff right now btw rye so I wasn’t joking about being down to Menagerie soon (it just can’t be this weekend because I have a billion things to do tomorrow)

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i will never play d2 on stadia because i actually need my bandwidth for other things