I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

i have been playing 0 since january off and on so i’ve been pretty good about taking breaks. basically coming back to the game all I had was story left so it was only 3 or 4 hours maybe. but now that I got back into it i want to play more lol. i also just came off playing dynasty warriors 9 for an entire week so im ready to fuckin go


this game is a hoot

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Dota 2 is a game and a drug

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at least I’m “staying in my lane” and “teamfighting” the urge to smoke (of deceit)

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haven’t played in years but i was eyeing the new update; those changes look nice/fun

Dota players are jokingly calling it Dota 3, which is a big stretch, but the changes are definitely big enough to give returning players like myself a fresh outlook.

I like the inclusion of outposts as control points that you can fight for over the course of the game, and I like that substituting the side shop for neutral creep drops incentivizes each player to farm camps and not just hyper-farming jerks

Nobody told me Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice was ASMR as heck

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Tearing through Onimusha like it was 2002 again


255 Vampires fly up a mountain, against duel wielding archers.

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Hey guys, has anybody of you played Nanashi No Game (1 and 2) for the DS? I played them one year ago and I loved them :grinning:

Yeah I pretty much marathon-ed the series after Kiwami so I could be up to speed for when 6 came out. It wasn’t too bad for the most part but eventually I was just skipping most of the side content so I could get them over with quicker.

5 suffers the most from that, since it’s divided up by character so there were entire systems and minigames (like the whole fricken chicken raising / racing thing that comes in very late into the game) that I just couldn’t be bothered with.

I actually loved Haruka’s chapter though, I’d play a whole game of that

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Not doing the side stuff seems like a waste of a Yakuza game.


Like playing a Lego game and not going for the 100% save file.

All the more reason not to marathon the games I guess

Although by Yak5, a lot of the minigames are cut and paste from the previous games anyway. And the chicken thing was like a whole pokemon / tamagotchi thing that ( at least from initial impression) felt like it would demand a lot of time and attention for something that doesn’t show up until the 80% mark.

I did a whole bunch of the taxi / dance / hunting stuff but my mentality for most of it was “I’ll come back to this later after I finish 6” and then never did

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i just spent 5 hours doing side shit the second the game opened up in kiwami so i support this opinion wholeheartedly


Replaying Final Fantasy Adventure in that Mana Collection thing for the first time since ‘91. Having forgotten most of the game, I’m blindsided, just as I was back then, about how big this game feels. The swamp castle dungeon is the first real one you come across and it is sprawling compared to anything in Zelda 1. The different weapons all feel great to use too.


Things to instantly never make me even play a game for free.

Watch the first few minutes of this - the whole game is basically like this so if it bothers you it never lets up

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Edit: saved me some time.

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Watched my wife play a bunch of this it does fun stuff with audio. It has some great time-travel-y puzzles. This one low visibility section really blew though.

The game is very much: moving on a rail, follow the instructions, extrapolate, do the thing, combat.

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