I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

This game is a masterpiece. I always forget about it but its in my top 10 for sure.
I wanted to get into the remake (adventures of Mana) but for context I decided fired up the GB version to listen to the music, ended up playing the game and then just beat that version again.

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I remember someone on IC savaged the remake by noting that it doesn’t throw you into a boss fight like the original. I steered clear because siding with an extreme stand like that seemed cool. Now I want to give it a go, just to see what it’s like.

FWIW I really rather liked most of it, other than the combat which was imho a dreadful bore. So I wound up abandoning my playthrough to watch this LP so I could fast-forward through all the combat.


yeah they are a super chore and some what at odds with the rest of the game. I feel like you get 90% of the game experience just imagining the solutions to the puzzles and watching the rest.

yes please


Hey folks, haven’t posted in a bit. Uhhhh. Been painfully normie of late, my apologies.

Modern Warfare: I keep playing so I can make my guns look tacky as shit. There’s kinda only one really good map in the game, and when it shows up everyone works themselves into a frenzy. The Battlefield mode is still garbage. Ah well!

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: It was alright? I guess it’s sorta Souls for Babies, and Star Wars nerds, and I fit right into that sliver of a Venn Diagram. I probably enjoyed it more as a Star Wars experience than a game, but it was an OK game?

I do like how when you die, the enemy who killed you will glow yellow, and striking them will grant you your lost health and XP back. I mean, that part is neat. The better part is that they’re almost always glowing yellow and T-posing ominously out in the open, waiting for you.

The game’s definitely got some bugs that need to be worked out, but I enjoyed it well enough.


as much as I loathe the term “esports” and the associated paraphernalia and general pomp, I can’t get over how good so many competitive games are these days after a decade of xbox live suffocating that space

like it’s so easy to pop between mortal kombat and Siege even as someone who doesn’t have the time or inclination to actually get good at any of it and mostly tries to queer the team chat by telling my fellow hardened operators that they’re the wind beneath my wings

very rewarding stuff

Prey seems pretty good so far


the dlc costumes in the division 1 are first responder costumes, national guard and military costumes, and a stock broker costume. you can pay for the fantasy of being a stock broker murdering poor and starving poc in manhattan. “ubisoft games aren’t political”

my character has a septum piercing, pixie cut, and a neck tattoo. im a williamsburg landlord. i look like ellen degeneres if she listened to four tet

im glad tom clancy is dead


I can’t stop playing Disco Elysium. I am currently a communist psychic art-cop killing time by trying to bum psychedelic anti-radiation medication off a pawn shop owner while my responsible partner takes a body to the morgue. This rocketed right up to my game of the year and I’m not even that far into it.


finally figured out how to emulate playstation games and started breath of fire 3, it’s good. seems like a cool thing to chill out with over the holidays. the music is so funky!


I finally felt in the mood for The Witness. I like it so far. For some reason, I feel like its the LOST game we never got. Its interesting how it get so much mileage out of one simple mechanic.

I’ve definitely ran into a couple of puzzles which I just had to leave undone. The game is pretty good about dropping you hints. But, I feel like there are a few puzzles which are left to be seen as part of pattern or something. So if you aren’t totally tuned into that segment----well I feel like the puzzles I’ve had to leave, were probably well hinted at by those which came before. But I just wasn’t zoning into it, at the time.


The Witness forces you to chew on a lot at once. Definitely not an easy game! It starts out teaching you things in an incremental way. And then at some point it just says ok, you know how to pay attention now. Go and get 'em.

Still feel like a few things should be smacking me in the face, which aren’t. I’m a dummy.

And a tip about The Witness

The game has boats for a means of travel. However, its way slower than regular running around. And if you jump on a boat early and go around the island, you’ll probably see a bunch of stuff which maybe you didn’t’ want to see yet. I certainly felt a little bummed out.

chasm is so boring


fallen order may be so mucj less edgy and ridiculous than force unleashed but it also boring bullshit let me play as the sith lady already

is there any trick to enjoying the Earth Defense Force games? because i’ve tried the sixth (?) mission of EDF5 thrice now and ended up stressquitting every time.

They’re really fun with a buddy.


yeah I have never had any desire to play them alone because they’re so much fun with a friend

Re: The Witness

I really dislike the tetris piece puzzles. The training could have and should have been more incremental. As such, I don’t fully understand the rules. Additionally, some of the puzzles only accept one solution as correct to complete the puzzle; even though there are more than one solution. But some of them allow more than one solution.

Those two things combined makes for an incredibly frustrating experience.