I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

so, without the ps4 trophies, i would never have known that you get more lore on the phoenix mirror in shenmue by taking it to the woman in the rossiya china shop.
i know talking about how insane the scope of this game is is old hat, but that’s an entire voice acted cutscene that’s been there for like 20 years, and neither me nor my friends who love shenmue ever knew about before now.

what a game


you ever pray to bring your dead friend back and then accidentally bring back a bunch of little slime piles as well


oh my GOD what letter is the highest
is that an H pile

H is the highest, yeah, then it repeats. I was through two rotations of slime piles already, but paula’s prayer only revives the max number of enemies that can be fought at once


friggin game rules, i don’t care what anyone says


I started over on Dragon Quest Heroes 4 years later because I want to play something charming and cute

I finally played firewatch and I don’t think a game has ever bummed me out more. 10/10


Played Wrath for 20 minutes, which was just enough time to declare it Sexy.

my friend and i were up until 4 in the morning playing king of fighters 2002. we played as all the moody pretty boys.



I was having a great run at a 40-minute endurance race in Grid Autosport today. I expected to place 3rd, but with just under
5 minutes left in the race, I spaced out for a moment and rolled my car on top of a barrier. I tried to rejoin the race, but one of my tires blew out. So I sat and watched the fireworks for a while before retiring from the race.


Apple Arcade’s Earthnight I resent as an almost read a wikihow about making a good video game. Ack I just got the name is also a naming scheme in vogue right now. But endless runner + mobile game economy + shadow of the collosus stabbing + “simple” controls. It all feels calculated in a way that makes me uncomfortable

I usually do not like modern chiptune soundtracks but this one reminds me a lot of Annamanaguchi’s Scott Pilgrim work so I think it is pretty great.

Also @km is one of the two playable characters so that’s fun. You get to stab a dragon from space!

There is no reason to dislike or even have negative emotions about this game and that makes me not trust it.


Boy following up Death Stranding with Detention (which is quite good) maybe not the best two games in a row.

Also finished Sayonara Wild Hearts and have the same problems everyone has with it. for a concept album-game I sure don’t remember any of the songs (the songs were fine.)

Jettomero: Hero of the Universe has a lot of style, and some heart, but there’s not a lot of game there. And the story is, well, it’s there. It’s fine. I suppose the protagonist is supposed to be endearing but the game is too short for you to really get invested. Being short is perhaps its chief virtue. Took me like, less than 2 hours to finish the main story. I didn’t go hunting for secrets and I won’t be.

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So I got to the final boss in Planescape: Torment earlier today. Lost the first time, the second was going alright but my health was diving so I was clicking to heal myself when I guess the other standing party member struck the final blow and my click did not end up healing me, instead it ended up skipping the ending.

In the immediate aftermath I did not take this well, but then I remembered that we live in a world with youtube so I tried to look up the ending there. This is how I learned that the game has multiple endings, and after a bit of searching I figured out that I basically triggered the bad ending. What was more important is that the video for the bad ending was 20+ minutes long as it included the dialogue leading into the final battle and said battle itself.

This was the first time I had seen anyone who wasn’t me playing the game. I remember asking both here and to a few other individuals if there is anything I needed to know before playing the game, I had zero experience with the genre and was going in pretty much blind. No one there or in any of the “before you play” places I checked felt the need to mention that you could pause during combat in order to easily use items, select spells or position your party as I guess it is just taken for granted that of course you can do stuff while paused, even though it doesn’t work like that in any other game.

So I guess the big picture good news is that the combat wasn’t actually as awful as it seemed, and that I need to read the manual a bit closer next time (it says “Not just a handy timepiece, this part of the screen allows you to stop time while you figure out what you want to do next. To pause the game,
simply click on the clock, or hit the spacebar. When you’re ready to resume play, click on the clock again.” but there is a following line given its own paragraph at the very bottom of that page that at the end indicates you can issue a command during it).

At least when I get to its spiritual sequel I’ll know this from the start, but please the next time I say I know nothing and ask for any advice please just assume that I am a moron (that should probably be my user title (maybe don’t actually do that)) and make sure I don’t miss the blindingly obvious :frowning:


the real torment was inside you all along

also, the spiritual sequel actually has turn based combat, but it’s just as horrendous. it’s much more avoidable than in the first game though.


it also works like that in baldurs gate, icewind dale, dragon age, pillars of eternity, tyranny etc if you ever play those

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Neverwinter nights as well

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And Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 as well.

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yeah you played it as though “real time with pausing” would also describe street fighter

I think with torment though, I played a fighter and got the big hammer from the prison pocket plane thing, and only took the skull guy as a party member so all the exp that would of been divided between a bunch of people just went to us and just steamrolled through everything without ever using pause