I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

FYI, there are like three choices for a sixth party member, two of them suck, and the third is in that toy world

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The ones that suck are fire and armor, right?

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Pure chaos and pure law are not very fun bed brothers.

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yup. the former is at least worth recruiting because he’s so striking and you have him in mind from really early on, but he’s not a very good dialogue buddy and him being pretty much the only character in the game who needs dangerous AoE to be useful is a complete nuisance with this game’s party AI, last time I played through I just left him in the toy world when a better opportunity came around

I have seven party members atm as… well I was told about the toy one by someone who was sure I’d never stumble upon it on my own (they were right), but I left them back in sigil so it is me and flamebro for now at least.

Also as an update I caught a lucky break as while I couldn’t enter the toy dimension in the period of time where I was stealing expensive looking stuff from stores before I learned that you can’t sell it (I don’t buy that in this hellish world not a single store will traffic in potentially stolen stuff, much less that they could tell) I yoinked an item that can revive team members three times, which is exactly the number of people needed to pick everything up. I then just took TNO alone and ran looking for the exit and stumbled upon it immediately, so I’m once again making progress and in good shape.


I remembered Destiny 2 exists thanks to the Stadia marketing and I had a hankering to shoot aliens in the head so I installed it on PC this weekend and turned on cross-play to import my PS4 character with a total of 30 hours played (I treat Destiny more or less as a Halo, not as an MMO).

Cross-play worked pretty well but it was full of bizarre warnings about this and that irreversibly destroying data. They also made a big deal out of some 30-day waiting period if crossplay is deactivated which sounded like a defense against some sort of abuse players were doing. looks like a feature like this is fraught with danger so I can understand why it’s not more common.

It hold up pretty well as a game I think. The new Destiny 2 areas all have a decent amount of verticality and platforming which was so badly missing from almost the entirety of the first game, so whatever process improvement they made stuck. It looks like at some point they rebaselined all my equipment to a new minimum of 750 and it makes all the non-DLC areas too easy if anything despite my rustiness. In a few hours I only ever died from falling off cliffs (but that about ten times) and I never remember to use my super because every situation is too manageable to call for it

As compared to the really good Halos there’s still a bit of a lack of specialized situations that call for unique tactics though. I guess the modifier system could provide that but I’d prefer something less random and more designed since I dgaf about replayability unlike their target audience

you’re more or less into the final third after that, congrats on being on the downslope of your torment

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That is good to hear, I kinda felt like the build up to confronting that last character felt like it could have been the start of the end game… and then there is this whole big town afterwards and I was starting to get worried about how big this thing actually is.

BTW, in this most recent section I pickpocketed an item that someone was supposed to give me after talking to them before I actually talked to them and the game basically just tossed an error message dialogue option my way, but fortunately it didn’t break anything beyond that.

it’s not crossplay, it’s just crosssave

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I’ve been playing Ring Fit Adventure for a few days. It’s moderately effective and at worst more fun than the treadmill.

I want them to replace the generic RPG layer of this with Pokémon, though. Let me run around as Ash, throw out Machoke for exercise battles with other Pokémon, then capture and transfer them to my Pokémon Bank account or whatever.


I kind of want to play rdr2 on my tv but I feel intimidated about switching to a controller, it’s complicated enough with a keyboard

and when your riding in a group you hold some button to stay in formation and I think you use like shift to speed up and ctrl to slow down or something. I’m not sure I caught all of that explanation and it’s not like it’s going to reexplain any of this with the controller in use. I’ve forgotten most of whatever it taught me since the meetup anyway.

I never played much of the metal gear online with phantom pain cause it ended up being harder than I thought it’d be trying to switch to mouse and keyboard after using a controller for the single player.


Today in Planescape: Torment I got through 4/5 of a quest chain in an area, clicked on a staircase icon that took me underground and realized a good bit later when I couldn’t find the staircase back out that there isn’t one and it is just a hard unmarked point of no return. There are certain parts of 1999 game design that I am glad are mostly gone.

…May revert to a prior save just to see how it would have ended :\


Hey, guess what, Phantom Hourglass is actually great. Probably one of the best Zelda games and easily among the most interesting.


All of these types of situations are endgame content. 980 nightfalls, raids, etc. All other encounters are like mid-level Halo encounters; meet a squad of easy enemies on a plateau somewhere, shoot their faces, move on.

Oh god I’m back on the terribly enthralling EU4 ride again, Timurids -> Mughals and accepting everyone’s culture by casually conquering them. Everyone’s mad until they’re a part of meeeeeee~

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Are you doing wacky things to keep Horde mechanics forever or are you going the intended route and teching out of it

Uh. Hold on. *goes to check*
Timurids already start as an Empire government, so no unfortunately. If I did want to do ALL CALVARY in the fashion of Poland shenanigans, I’d have to conquer the Golden Horde, Kazakh, or other Steppe Tribes to the north and “pretend” I’m them for a short while. The tag switch to Mughals might also knock me out of it, too.

I’m also not that awesome at dancing the fine line of military success and failure. Ottomans won a war for a couple Iraq provinces off me, but then I stoppered them by allying Gazikumukh (who got big off of Ottoman feeding them Muscowy/Russia) and Mamluks (before Ottomans really got around to destroying them). The only way to go is through Europe…or the several Trade Company provinces they keep buying off of Asian countries.

fuck i love videogames.


i played agents of mayhem and i can sure see why it bombed. it’s not terrible, i had fun with it for a while, but the missions and combat are just way too simplistic and repetitive to keep me interested. they tried to make the combat more interesting by being able to swap people out on the fly and upgrade them in different ways but it just isn’t enough when the core is so dull. the writing and characters also aren’t as good as saints row. i feel they spread themselves out too much considering the large cast and multiple lines that had to be recorded. the most fun i had was exploring the city, hopping around rooftops finding collectables (i love hopping around rooftopes) but the movement is also not interesting enough

basically its a game that plays to all their weaknesses rather than their strengths. i’m glad i tried it though.


i enjoyed romasaga 3 hd way more than my first snes run last year, to the point where it has gotten in the way of death stranding and i started a second playthrough