beat sabre: definitely the best game in branson
Sure but have you tried SPIN RHYTHM XD
I finished Hitman and my comments before stand. Really enjoyed it, wish there was a speed-up time option because waiting around to trigger something gave me existential crises at times. Season 3 was announced recently I see, so I might buy it at launch to support the team. Even though they make me reconsider my life choices in negative ways.
Now I’m back onto TITANFALL 2. I bounced off it HARD the first time I tried to play it, but it’s clicking more with me now. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind before or because it was the first AAA game I had played in ages so it took time to adjust.
Anyway, I’m enjoying it much better now. It’s pretty good, but not great… the onfoot stuff is pretty standard modern FPS fare, and the platforming stuff can be pretty clunky (feels like a throwback to 90s jumping puzzles at times which… i’m not sure if i hate or love about it), but the world, writing (well, the goofy dialogue with your pal), and robot stuff is pretty neato. also it suffers from lots of modern FPS tropes that irk the hell out of me.
basically it’s still a modern fps but it’s a more interesting than most other ones so far. also it’s pretty. i just got the time travel device which was a pretty nice surprise, keen to see where the game goes from here
I played D and now I’m ready to play with any D I can get my hands on. What a beautiful midpoint between Myst and Resident Evil. I mean, look at this beauty:
As cheesy as it can be, what with the skeletons and massive rolling boulders, it still manages to be legitimately unnerving. Looking through Laura’s POV, haunted by your father’s voice, inside of a world that looks almost lifelike, you feel trapped inside.
If you’re curious, watching a playthrough is close to the actual experience of playing the game though I’d say there’s an added layer of unease that comes with being in control.
getting deep into outer wilds and I adore it so
i played dark souls 2 and accidentally made a goat monster person who is like the coolest character ive ever played in any of these games
i <3 lil aldia
Played through the first chapter of the PS1 port of Dragon Quest IV for the first time this afternoon. It felt like a 90-minute slice of pure, distilled Dragon Quest. It plays really nicely as a demo for DQ1-7 style gameplay, and if a friend ever was curious about the franchise, I would probably sit them down in front of this and make them play it to get a feel for it.
if only it were available in english!
loaded up some neo geo pocket roms out of boredom last night. has ngpc emulation gotten worse over time, or has it always had this horrible input lag? snk vs capcom didn’t even recognize my special move inputs half the time, and it took way too long for athena to a do a light punch.
Disgaea 4 is a light-hearted game about genocide
That thirteen minute FFVII commercial made me want to play (or, start, at least) FFVII again.
Jessie is the best girl. She likes building bombs, making fake IDs, and fucking around with monitors.
(Knights of the Round, goddammit.)
Got to the lower wards in Planescape: Torment and finally managed to switch to a mage shortly before doing so and even though my party is now twice the size I am now so much worse at combat since as a mage I seemingly get hit for more damage, do less damage and can only cast each spell one time between rests, and my spells kinda suck.
My theory on the game’s story is that every single time someone in the game thinks of someone from the past I am in fact that person.
turns out i was about halfway through titanfall 2, and now that i’ve finished it my opinion is still pretty good, but not great. granted, this is probably because i’m not a fan of cinematic shooters; my favourite parts are where when it was playing down those elements, but then it also just made me want to play halo or mirror’s edge. the plot was also the most predictable d-grade garbage, but that’s aaa for you.
BUT, it kept me entertained throughout, and i liked lots of stuff about it. especially how it respected my time. it didn’t feel like there was too much filler, and the checkpoints were plentiful. i’m sure that’s partly why i kept going through the whole thing. so yeah, it was a good time, but not a great time.
Was playing Chibi-Robo clean sweep and I can’t complete it because I didn’t gamble
I feel like SE gave her way more prominence in the FF7R trailers and I assumed she get a larger fanbase but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone talk about her at all. Everyone is still in Tifa Town.
15 minutes into the JRPG Romancing SaGa 3 my run ended, on the third screen.
Well now I know to be more careful about that one monster sprite. But two hours in I find out I actually chose the character who’s just a business sim. I need to travel the world and create partnerships with various companies before an evil company buys them first and grows its empire. Manage income and expenses, business assets and skills, and more. So now I need to accrue a 100 million aurum (dollars).
What happened to my JRPG?
Also one of my party members is a runaway kid who’s super weak but literally refuses to leave my party when I choose kick them out, so now I can’t recruit someone stronger in her place.
that font is hideousness
why can’t a JRPG remaster have a good font in 2019??
SQEX company policy friendo
This is getting released on everything and I think that includes mobile phones, so it has the SE mobile port house style.
amazing that gamers can rise up and get a huge movie studio to completely redo the special effects in Sonic but have so far been unable to convince Square-Enix to make their games not look like that