I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

the ps2 release of vf4 evo has a good training/tutorial mode

if you have pals to play with i’d just dive in and play the game!!! one of the worst things about modern fighting games and fgc culture is this idea that you have to spend as much if not more time single player ‘grinding’ in ‘the lab’ than you do actually playing matches

i think that’s one reason i enjoyed final showdown’s western release so much, there’s this kind of resigned feeling that we’re all relative newbies here, nobody’s going to be taking a shock round off a big name and turning it into a twitch partnership so we can just play the thing and learn as we go

but yeah at some point you’re probably going to want to at least look up some bnb combos etc.

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Yo what’s the best way to get screenshots off of the switch? I have a fucked up method involving an old phone that I plug into my computer to use as a MicroSD card reader. There has to be a better way

i tweet them save the pic to my phone and immediately delete the tweet, same with ps4


i guess there’s not a better way

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getting screencaps and videos from nintendo has always been this weird four step process for me since the gamecube

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I think what I’m going to do is try to start a club with people I know. It really is a genre that only works with two humans

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this. you can even set up a burner twitter account if you don’t want to be using your main.

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I don’t know it its the sanwa stick I’m using now, the switch to a plasma screen from an LCD or what but Dynamite Headdy on Genesis is just not that hard on retry,

Though sadly my cart is dying. It randomly resets and hangs unless I am running it through a game genie. I also wonder if my attempt at using a game genie is what did it to it in the first place.

Not gonna lie, I will never miss playing with folks that can just kill everything within 30m or so of themselves by macro’ing their slide attack.

The dream, at least for me, is a way to seemlessly switch between Exalted melee and regular, with Exalted melee just being about equal to melee weapons but with a unique effect that sets it apart. I want them to be more of a tool-in-the-toolbox kinda thing than “Okay, your 'frame is now built entirely around your exalted weapon and nothing else matters in your kit or other weapon slots.” I know this is YMMV kinda thing, but it’d be nice in my eyes.

They’ll probably do another pass on exalted weapons in the coming weeks as part of their further tweaking, but they’re in data gathering mode atm.

Fuck yes to this. Even if it means my plat income tanks a bit. ;>.>

So, killed my first lich and got their Grineer-styled flintlock. Matches my Grineer-styled blunderbusses and twin falchions nicely. Does hilarious amounts of damage, probably only worth using with around 4 different frames.

The Lich Hunt wasn’t as bad as I was worried it’d be, but it’s definitely a thing that’ll take a few sessions to complete. Getting the relics is obnoxious, though that’s kinda par for the course. At least at the moment there are only 4 different relics to get… god help us when there are more relics to manage.

Melee continues to be very, very weird. Have found some neat builds, but hybrid crit-status weapons remain dominant, heavy attacks are nearly never worth using given the of mods that rely on combo building vs their cannibalizing of the combo meter, and the changes have further highlighted just how devastating slash procs are and how crit-oriented the melee game is. I know they won’t be touching balance for another week or so, but for the moment crit-status hybrid weapons with a predilection for slash procs remain the best options, followed closely by Gas proc melee, and Corrosive+Heat (though primarily, this is only for fighting armored opponents with non-slash oriented melee).


Fixed formatting

I started playing Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. Movement and/of little sprite people and/in environments add a lot to the formula. Apollo Justice-spec higher-quality illustrations, pleasant. All the games should have been like this, this is better. I was unsure before, but: it is playable with just a joypad, swapping screens on a single monitor; you don’t have to use the touch screen for anything. But also, I forgot Death Stranding comes out tomorrow: bad planning.


the pokemon crystal clear romhack might be the best experience i’ve had with a pokemon game purely gameplay wise. No roadblocks, gyms and trainers scale with your badge total, nice selection of avatars, every pokemon has a menu sprite and they follow you! customizable music… it rules

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i keep playing anthem. it has a cool combat loop i like but now i’m starting to get into the loot grind part of it. oh no


Been playing a bit of Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. It’s basically an extremely average platformer with search-action tendencies. It’s fun to buy new equipment and upgrade it. The graphics are kind of nice and the music is sometimes kind of catchy. I dunno. Don’t go out of your way for it, but it’s good comfort food.


I played some Xeno Crisis the other day. It’s a top-down arena shooter for the Genesis (and modern platforms). I like it. After a few honest attempts that ended at level 3, I tried again, got to the level 4 boss, and then used savestates to get all the way to the last stage (7) before giving up for the night. (The game is very hard, even on easy mode.)

One of the bullet points on the kickstarter pitch was randomized level layouts, which is kind of weird in how little it matters. Like, you can pause the game to look at the seed used to generate the particular level you’re playing, but they have generally straightforward layouts with an occasional dead end branch for more currency or a keycard. The layout randomization feels like it’s highlighting how unimportant level layouts are in this sort of game, which feels very weird when I think about it that way.

Fortunately, the real meat and potatoes of the levels (the encounter design) is meticulously fine-tuned. The way the game gradually ratchets up the difficulty in each level by introducing new enemies and new combinations of enemies while also increasing the number of enemies/waves per room is very calculated and deliberate — almost like it’s hand-designed. It feels very similar to Batman & Robin in this way (though only the last two levels feel like they approach that game’s idea of length).

The soundtrack owns:


I totally agreed with you. I installed the game on the switch after reading so many rave reviews of the game, but to me it’s quite boring and, as you say, average.
I felt the same about Wonder Boy and the Dragon’s Trap.

With Cursed Kingdom, reviewers have been stating it’s “better” than Dragon’s ©rap, but in my opinion the two are pretty much on the same level.

Two examples of nostalgia exploited in a way that… Is not for everybody.
I like nostalgic remakes, but in this case, the reviews should be much more critical, while they are so indulgent that they end up making misinformation.


i’m like 2 chapters from the end of yakuza 0 and debating whether or not to finish it or do majima’s hostess club stuff first…i’m SO CLOSE to the end but i know if i finish it that’s probably the end of my time with the game. i should have spread out progress more


I started Cradle a few days ago and finished it on the second sitting. I thought it would be an extremely moé experience about being a Mongolian tinker repairing a sexy android in a yurt, but it turned out to be Myst with 3 locations (easily walkable from each other) and only fetch quests (no puzzles). It had puzzle-adventure-game levels of environmental text, but mostly scattered around the yurt, mostly on the floor, surrounded by receipts.

There’s only 3 locations involved in the plot, but the steppe is fucking enormous and empty. I wandered aimlessly from the yurt to one of the boundaries and back, it took the good part of an hour.

I got frustrated at a couple of spots. The first was a fetch quest for some fruit in a tree that I needed to chop up and cook. I already had the knife, and I needed to throw something at the tree to knock down fruit, so I hurled it. It missed & disappeared into the grass; I spent 30 minutes looking for it and couldn’t find it again! Forturnately the game autosaves at the beginning of each section.

The other part was the fetch quest for the first android part, hidden in a abandoned amusement centre. Turns out the VR games still work so you have a 3D Minecraft platformer where you hunt for the right coloured cubes while creepers spawn to blow up a chunk of cubes. I couldn’t do it with a controller! I checked a guide for help and was horrified that there were three more of these sequences!

Instead of posting here about how I felt the gameplay design misses the mark, I switched to KBM and finished it. Turns out the real puzzle is understanding the plot (very possible, from all the text), and the lack of exposition in the ending annoyed loads of gamers, A++.

Character and art design is good, the skyboxes were hand-painted, could have done with tighter close-ups in the dialogues to highlight the gimmick of using live-captured video for android eyes. The VA for the protagonist is woesome, flat and unaffected, but apparently that matches the original Russian VA direction?

oh yeah the sexual/sexism imagery in this is wild, the android is set up as a flower vase, can’t walk, and in the final scene you pick up her deactivated body as an item and use her to solve a puzzle, carrying her flailing ragdoll in front of you the whole way because she doesn’t fit in your inventory


Anthem combat is fine but everything around it feels pretty bad.

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hitman is cool because you get to travel to exotic locations around the world and murder rich assholes in a variety of exciting ways

whose idea was to set a level in colorado though, no one wants to go to colorado

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i played beatsaber for the first time! a lot of the songs im not super into, but i had that spike jonze dvd and i remember the music video for weapon of choice. I DOUBLE REMEMBER Christopher walkens bathtub interview where he described being suspended in the air as ‘floating around up there like a hot dog’
anyway i did not have to be suspended off the ground BUT IT DOES MAKE YOU DO ALL THE OTHER SILLY DANCES by making you dodge flying walls

i got hit by the vengabus as well

okay wait i lied it has some OR DOES IT??? moments
you can look at yourself in the mirror as stalin and blow kisses at yourself
also you can draw dicks instead of your signature until the world doesn’t take you seriously and the soviet union collapses

stalin signed offical letters in the game with a red pen instead of blue pencil – BULLSHIT THAT’S NOT FUCKING CANON
also stalin only drank water disguised as vodka on the job so other people would drink actual vodka while working and he could own them, hed never drink vodka straight from the bottle

maybe it was water but since they didnt know the blue pencil thing i DOUBT they knew that!
also stolis? STOLIS? he drank georgian wine when he got sloshed come the fuck on
it would have been better to dump my pipe ashes on people making requests of me than shooting SPIES IN MY OFFICE. like dont get stalin twisted with beria and blueberry jeez

anyway I guess stalin’s calm now since tomorrow is SEX WITH STALIN

i guess since there’s two stalin games now i can start my career as a stalin game consultant