Sega fans are just angrier than Squeenix fans.
she leaves if you go to some specific town if i remember right, though i think some of the New Content for this remaster requires her
i started up and went straight to recruit the fairy through the fuckin’ awful rng jungle puzzle thing to get that over with asap
I messed with some Apple Arcade games on the plane and so many of these feel like “we followed the blueprint to make a good game” so they are a good game I guess but everything about it is so calculated and sources are so blatant that playing them is exhausting.
Sayonara Wild Hearts seems nice and the praise here means I want to see it through. What’s Golf is cool even if it is laserfocused for lol you gotta play this bro.
sayonara wild hearts is cool but it would be better if it was an actual rhythm game instead
Oh god, buying a business is actually some sort of real time auction mini-game against other businesses who are also bidding for the company or bidding on you and you are having to pull money from you different companies and assets to increase your bid and I had no idea what was going on. But I think I spent 2 million dollars to buy a company predicted to make 17 thousand dollars next quarter.
I just wanted to have an easy going adventure game to cool down after spending 200 hours the past couple of months beating FF14: Heavensward, ya’ll.
Three hours in and I think I hit an unwinnable situation already. I’m in an area of the world where I am unable to leave due to story reasons and I need to kill a boss, but I don’t think I have the damage output to even deal with the small monsters that endlessly appear in the battle. Oh well!
i think the saga 2 and 3 remasters both look charming, the moving monster sprites are incredible, the font is fine those letters are fine, embrace the fluid membrane of resolution and detail, where gold coins and tiny wine bottles and vowels exist as both individuals and part of a community, etc., the way the text is styled with the drop shadows and outlines is often not great, the layouts of the various ui boxes and screens are sloppy, i said i would play 2 and never did
yeah i dunno if i really ‘praised’ that game, its pretty flawed
i thought, well, maybe this is the studios first project and i’ll be excigted to see more things they do. then i looked it up and it was two men who have been making games for a decade so i have no idea what their excuse is
Considering what happened to Dragon quest 1-3 on switch, Final Fantasy 5-6 on mobile /PC and Chrono Trigger on PC, the SaGa remakes look like an absolute miracle
I’m not surprised you got stuck in RS3, it happened to me too. (In the well in the dual city) You have to be paranoid and keep multiple saves
At least in the remake you can restart and keep your stats. (By selecting a new game) I think
was this the rats?
No, it’s the Archfiend’s Armor in the Zelnam’s Haunt.
I went to Ryblov and then explored a desert nearby. Hit what I think was called the Springs of Death, a river area with one-way waterfall drops so once I dropped down there’s been no way for me to return to the world map since. I eventually hit Fantasy China in the Far East (who threw me into the nicest jail I’ve ever seen in an RPG) and have done some stuff with them, and now I need to take care of the monster problem at the Zelnam’s Haunt.
I found what I assume is the boss, the Archfiend’s Armor, but I just do not have the damage output to deal with it, especially since two of my characters can’t carry their own weight (Minstrel and Sarah). The Armor itself doesn’t actually do anything but instead every turn or so a Zelnam will appear up to a max of 2, blocking my ability to attack the armor. They can kill any of my characters in one hit while my team takes at least two turns to take one Zelnam down.
At this point in the game I’ve barely done any fights, mainly just explored. I have a few skills but I don’t seem capable of taking on the stronger monsters in this area like the Zelnam. I did find a few thousand aurum I could use to buy some armor back in town but I don’t feel like that will make much of a difference.
Not sure what to do but I’ll bang my head against it for a bit and try what I can.
Edit: In retrospect since the difficulty is supposed to scale, maybe accepting the archer woman from Fantasy China into my party who’s three times stronger than any of my existing characters has skewed the game.
I love those rats
I hope they’re as scary in the remake
(Play with sound on)
they left the infinite money royal ring exploit in, love it
That’s amazing!
which shader is this
I’ve relented and started a New Game+ in Romancing SaGa 3. This remaster added the ability to start a NG+ through any save file, even if the game wasn’t completed, to carry over some skills and equipment so I’ll see what that’s like.
I picked a different character, Ellen, and it’s very cool how from the very beginning of the game your path changes depending on the order you talk to your team mates. After the opening quest you’re dropped in a city and can do whatever you want. Your former team mates from the past quest are hanging out at the pub so that’s typically where most players will go next, although I don’t think there’s anything stopping you from just leaving town.
At the pub, if you talk to your sister Sarah you have a fight because she wants to go to another town to train in magic with someone you just met named Thomas. They then go off on their own and you find something else to do. If you then talk to a team mate named Khalid you can go with him on an errand in another city.
If you talk to Thomas first then he’ll start telling you about how your sister wants to go train in magic with him and your sister asks if you want to go with them, which you can choose. There’s another team mate there who is going to go join the local lord’s personal guards so maybe you can also go that route.
Even if there might not be actually much of a difference in how the game plays out outside your initial party members (I don’t actually know), just giving you different framings for the start of your adventure based on your instinctual decisions on who you wanted to talk to really helps sell the open nature of the game.
That seems so much more compelling than Octopath Traveller.
As someone who played Octopath for like 60 hours (and has no pride), you are not wrong at all.