i finally got that damn symbiote suit!! it was really freakin’ hard!!
played a bit of the magic knight rayearth saturn undub today and it’s an improvement over playing the game with a bad english dub, but i have one concern: ‘undubbed’ fmvs with no subtitles. so far, it seems like these are infrequent enough, but it’s been ages since i played this and i never finished it, so i’m just kinda wondering if anyone here has tried this, or even if you might know what i can expect in terms of fmvs w/ only japanese audio. i don’t think it’ll really matter much, but… yeah, kinda curious!
Okay I think SAM in The Outer Worlds is fucking hilarious (despite their whole schtick being fairly well-tread stuff for Bethesda writing). I might not have any use for any party members aside from SAM and Parvati now.
ellie will remember this
I’m playing Trails of Cold Steel 3 and finding it just as cozy as ever. Nothing really revelatory here but the character cameos and callbacks are all a lot of fun. I’ve never known another rpg series to try and tell one long story over 9 games (ultima?) but i respect what they’re going for a lot. That being said, I can’t imagine Cold Steel 4 wraps everything up in a super satisfying way (frankly i’m a little disappointed some of the other countries haven’t gotten a shot at the spotlight) but we’ll see. These games check like every comfy hang-out box I have for a game so I’ll be sad when they’re all over!
Don’t worry, at this pace Falcom will end before Trails ever ends.
I’ve done like 80 pulls on King of Fighters All Star’s Halloween banner and I’ve only gotten one Halloween character. Surely this means I’m bound to get one on the next 10-pull. (The one I’ve gotten is Halloween Shermie, but I already have Shermie '97. I mainly want Halloween Angel and Halloween Kula.)
I heard CS4 is the last one! But maybe I’m wrong, trying to avoid spoilers for it.
Last Trails game or just last Cold Steel game? I only got partway through CS2 but it never felt like it was going to be the culmination of the Trails saga. Cold St33l 4 impressions spoiler if that matters to you: Also apparently people really did not like CS4, as just a game overall.
Fuck. I had heard it’s the last Trails game fullstop. Maybe that’s why re: the spoilered thing.
Oh dang, really? Is that why it got FOUR games instead of three? Guess I’ll need to catch up at some point then.
That’s my understanding at least. Sorta minor setting up the pieces spoiler seems like they’re kinda bringing in the heroes from Liberl and Crossbell to have everyone do some Justice League shit but at the same time it also doesn’t REALLY feel like Everything is coming to a head more than it ever does. it very well could by the end of 3 though, this is a really long game.
Fuck the nightmare frontier and it’s boss forever. A bit stuck at the moment
tbh that’s the biggest reason why i love this game. i love it’s lore and characters to the point that i will cry if i think too much about them
i still haven’t played through any of the souls games besides demon’s souls back when it came out (and leveling was for awhile, tbh, one of the reasons why i never dove into another one) but i see their influence on this game everywhere. except i’m way more into it because it’s about cute and cool bugs
ffxiii aint bad. vanille needs a better voice imo
so i’ve played some more of this. the new area has more then enough food to survive in, provided you don’t mind eating baby noodleflies and having to deal with their revengeful mother. there’s even a noodlefly egg right by the first shelter you find, which is very hard to find in the main game. it was still hard though!!! also i didn’t need to master the new ability to get past the next area, but, argh. okay, so the new area connects to farm arrays, which is an area that is hard to traverse without a certain creature that, even if you know how to deal with them, will take you where ever they want to go, not where you want to go. it’s frustrating. this mod also has One New Enemy that’s hard to deal with and will pop up while you’re riding the creature mentioned before and it’s just, not fun!!!
the area you end up in is also the area you start in as The Hunter, which was the original game’s “hard/score attack mode”, and the enemy spawn in drought is similar to the hunter’s. so really, so far, i feel like i am just playing a modified version of hunter, which is fine, ig? i never played the latter much in the first place because it’s just too hard for me, but drought does make it easier to traverse through thanks to the mid-air boost ability i’ve got and also, like, there are mid-cycle rainstorms that can help too. the enemies react to the upcoming rain just like the original game, where they all run and hide in their holes for a little bit, so you get a bit of relief and don’t have to worry about them as you look for someplace to chill and wait out the rain. it’s a bit wonky (the shaders instantly reset after a rain storm and it can look very jarring for instance) but it does change things up a bit… kind of. usually when a rain storm is about to happen it means “chill in whatever room you’re in” for the next couple minutes because either certain doom is between you and the pipe to the next room now or you don’t want to go through the pipe in the first place because you’re unsure if it’ll lead you to your death anyways. it adds very short little breaks to the game, basically, which can be annoying when you’re on a roll and don’t want one.
anyways rn i’m in garbage wastes and the only big difference i’ve noticed so far is that the water is gone in areas where it normally would be. here are a couple videos i recorded for a friend:
here’s me barely surviving a cycle in the new area because there were 20 billion enemies around
and here’s me dying a brutal death
yeah this owns but it can’t simulate finally beating the dark spirit in the windfish’s egg just as the recess bell rings in 3rd grade, and then gluing my ear to the tinny, distorted mono speaker so I could hear the fully arranged, 8-sacred-instrument rendition of ballad of the wind fish that finally plays in the ending sequence as you finally awaken the wind fish over the sounds of my classmates rushing back to class, walking just slowly enough behind them all in hopes of getting to finish watching the ending sequence before I set foot back in the classroom ;__;
that’s my childhood
I was in fifth grade and it was the first time I’d ever beaten a game and the first little world I had agency in, as long as I could hide in the corner of the library
I keep thinking about that moment more and more like honestly I think it was just so formative to to way I experience “art” or whatever as an adult
nothing will ever feel that powerful again
oh believe me, i know! it’s one of the reasons i still prefer that old monochrome look over the dx version. fond memories of taking my game boy places with me, school included, and i played link’s awakening more than anything else (aside from maybe yoshi’s cookie)