I loved Link to the past but LA always felt like it was my Zelda, my first game just for me instead of a game I played after my brother.
I don’t remember much vividly about playing it other than repeatedly visiting the ballad finale and shadow G fight (oh and later mega abusing the screen shift trick).
My poignant sting is kinda off to the side, since my father bought me the original Gameboy/Link’s Awakening combo repackaged with sticker, one of the most surprising and beloved gifts in my childhood (we were always estranged and I rarely did a whole lot on my end to improve that, sadly). Back then though, I didn’t even ask anyone for a gb or the game but he must’ve gathered my interest through others: possibly me as Link for Halloween circa '91, parading around with the small tunic and tights, the perfect sword, bomb, boomerang. I think I half-assed repurposed some of that for Chrono a few years later.
Colored DX version always looked nice and the new one seems aight but as with many remakes of property classics, I’ll keep my og format haze.
surprised to have finished outer worlds in ~13 hours
the pc halo reach beta is really nice and I would imagine release isn’t that far off???
Did you ignore a lot of sidequests? I’m easily around 20 hours and I feel like I have a lot of game left
i did all of the companion quests and most of the ones i could find + felt extremely overlevelled by the end, maybe i missed a bunch of stuff
disappointed that forza is a car game set in britain but there are no references to dogging
I’m still at the very beginning of Outer Worlds because I started on the hardest difficulty and I haven’t got my ship yet and you can only sleep and save in your ship so I’ve been squeaking by on just the game’s autosave system (note: the game will autosave whenever you enter or exit a dungeon and enemies inside a dungeon will stay dead if you kill them and then leave so you can use this to your advantage). I currently need to hit the switches at the geothermal plant to be able to reroute the power so I’m slowly making my way through that but I need to hurry up and move it along because I will become sleep deprived before too long and if you don’t sleep you’ll die.
A bunch of the systems on the hardest difficulty are poorly thought out, and the save system is…one of them.
Yeah it’s pretty messy and not always in a good kind of way.
i played some more Polybius in vr tonight. it’s so wild.
i think the hardest difficulty suffers a lot from being tied to bethesda-style difficulty where enemies getting stupid HP bonuses on harder difficulties, the save system being very bad, and trying to imitate the new vegas hardcore mode while also making it way more frustrating with shit like “you have to sleep in your own bed” lol. there’s a reason hardcore was a separate toggle from difficulty in new vegas guys!!!
Absolutely. I didn’t have any real issues with enemy health (I don’t mind Gears-style shooter balancing, the problem is they don’t give good hit feedback/recoils and hits-to-kill won’t change that), but after a few pop-surprise deaths and a crash I started returning to my ship out between a pile of quests, which wasn’t the encouragement to live with my roleplaying choices I wanted.
Combined with party NPCs that die permanently but have no conception of not aggressively stepping into multiple lines of fire or standing next to melee gorillas (I wish they could pick up the ‘Primal Phobia’ trait) and survival stat degradation occurring at 80%, necessitating topping it up with the absolutely plentiful food & drink, it’s only succeeding in the way I still cautiously evaluate conflict and avoid certain things in fear.
and what’s this concussion effect that’s giving me a flat -2 to all stats until I sleep?
Yeah the companion AI is very Bethesda with all the problems that entails. It’s definitely one of the things I would have appreciated them deviating from those games on.
I think getting concussed by explosives is fucking hilarious but having to sleep it off but only at your ship seems so incredibly mean. There’s a flaw you can get that makes you permanently concussed which is equally hilarious but holy shit I would never ever want to play that way with how harsh the stat penalties are.
wow that’s brutal
I’ve never fought a Primal in my 16 or so hours of playing. I only even saw some once at the very beginning and I snuck past them
Started up Planescape: Torment and after an hour or so it is mostly going well except for the rare occasions where I accidentally end up in combat; at which point I just try to click on things as fast as possible as I have no idea what the actual combat system is. Fortunately dying doesn’t appear to be that big of a deal so far.
I can’t believe how much better i am at that game in VR.
i mean i can its designed for VR so that’s working as intended, there was so much frustrating stuff that i breezed through playing in VR
what a great game argh, i quit playing at home cuz its impossible to go back to regular screen
yeah this game really needs to be experienced in VR. everything works and feels 2000% better. it should have been a VR only game tbh, but i’m glad there is the option to play without it
I can play Moon, Policenauts, and DQXI in Japanese without a problem but I have been trying to finish Shenmue 2 with English subs this weekend and have fallen asleep twice.
oh yeah i forgot to mention after this: the trophy you get for finishing the game is called “war is over”
Remember to backup your saturn saves before you replace the CR032. Because if you take it out it wipes the system memory.
End of Policenauts playthrough!