I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

the aptly named “weapons genius”

it’s russian unity shovelware i got in some random steam bundle. the core loop is you make a gun of parts you buy online, then do “practice” to earn more money for gun parts. once you’ve fleshed out a gun you can sell it and start over.

it’s really bad, you should under no circumstances play this game unless you’re morbidly curious. default unity shit everywhere, no tutorial, extremely boring, just atrocious in every way you could imagine


it’s full of a million tiny funny shovelware touches

like how the in-game settings menu consists solely of music volume

which is honestly the only setting you need because the game plays atrociously bad music at full volume the moment you boot it up. music volume resets every time you restart the game, by the way

or how the shoothouse on the right side here has z-fighting oil smear decals for literally no reason

or how when you weld, you don’t shield your eyes at all, it plays a unity stock particle effect, and also plays an extremely loud welding noise (which, as you’ll note from earlier, cannot be made quieter in-game)

this game is so bad the global achievements rate for the earliest possible achievement is less than 2%

weapons genius.


Can only think of how to use YOU LOOSE POWER! in manner similar to YOU SPOONY BARD!


We haven’t had too much trouble so far! Either the game is easier on consoles to make up for the more convoluted control scheme and / or co-op doesn’t change any modifiers and is thus way easier than singleplayer

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such a good name tho

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Hypnospace Outlaw is amazing


Been playing Outward after seeing the brief mention of it in the news thread.

You start the game in debt, with only five days to pay off that debt. I went outside, collected seaweed and did some fishing. Was nearly killed by a couple of giant chickens and a hyena, cut up my sandals up so I can turn the scraps into some bandages to staunch my bleeding. Re-opened my wounds because I sprinted, but had nothing else I could turn into bandages, so I had to limp my way back to town. It was the middle of the night, I was not afforded a minimap or quest markers, all I had was a compass and landmarks to navigate by. It was pitch black outside, all the landmarks were just shadows on the horizon. Walking around a hill, I saw a beam of light piercing the gloom. A lighthouse, I knew how to get home.

Game rules. Ostensibly halfway between a survival sim and an RPG, it’s really not like either genre in their conventional form. Mount and Blade death mechanics and a eurojank approach to worldbuilding (far more detailed than you would expect in places you wouldn’t imagine).


I wonder if I could dig up a contemporaneous review of Demon’s that reads like this


The negative reviews totally sold me on this game.

Like how is anyone supposed to read this as a criticism:

But this game has something called death events. Most of them are “you get dragged back to town” or “you got dragged off to a hyena cave” but not this time no… This time it decided I got captured by bandits and they stole all my money. So I broke out, raided their entire camp.

This rules.

Poorly thought out world. You start in a town that is on a map with literally no other friendly locations for miles. Bandits and pirates as far as the eye can see. And yet the town is bustling with foreign merchants and traders. All of whom apparently walked there because the game doesn’t think caravans or mounted travel would help bring the world more to life. Might detract from all the tedium.

This one isn’t even accurate! The starting town is a port town, and there’s like… 1 travelling merchant when you start. It’s explicit that this town survives on sea trade (in addition to being literally communist)


steam reviews are only good finding out if an Early Access game stopped getting updated, and when. And that’s it.


I should also note that I normally hate survival sims and survival mechanics.

I don’t like having to juggle five different meters for hours at a time. This game avoids that by integrating and disguising the survival mechanics into the rest of the game. I saw one review complaining that the game doesn’t have all the meter management and collectathon sensibilities of a game like Don’t Starve, but it tried to say this like it was a bad thing instead of the best thing about this game.


Oh and of course there are 3 different factions with their own unique series of quests and you can only join one in a playthrough so it is clearly made by people who loved the Gothic series.


i was up until three in the morning playing ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 with a friend


trials of mana is very 6.5/10 i love it. I also genuinely like Charlotte’s voice


i was gifted chocobo mystery dungeon on sale and i got FREE DLC of the omega ffxiv chocobo, alpha. which is so cute

so far ive only done the tutorial dungeon, got on and off a bed three times because the animation was cute, swam in a healing lake even though i had full hp because the animation was cute, and I keep getting tips from this mysterious but familar dungeon master who might share manga interests with me


that dungeon hero kind of has the same energy as you too


OK I’m giving it a try. Boy, you weren’t kidding about the Eurojank though

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hahaha it is incredibly eurojank but that’s like half the appeal for me.

A really smart game that’s clearly the overambitious project of only 10 developers.


Even though it’s a canadian game, be sure to turn on the german audio so you can feel like you’re playing Gothic 2 HD


Good idea, the English audio is disorienting because it’s an older draft than what’s in the textboxes anyway

Is there a thread for 6.5 games? Trash action thread comes very close but doesn’t cover enough genres.

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